Computation (cdl.computation
This package contains the computation functions used by the DataLab project.
Those functions operate directly on DataLab objects (i.e. cdl.obj.SignalObj
and cdl.obj.ImageObj
) and are designed to be used in the DataLab pipeline,
but can be used independently as well.
See also
The cdl.computation
package is the main entry point for the DataLab
computation functions when manipulating DataLab objects.
See the cdl.algorithms
package for algorithms that operate directly on
NumPy arrays.
Each computation module defines a set of computation objects, that is, functions
that implement processing features and classes that implement the corresponding
parameters (in the form of guidata.dataset.datatypes.Dataset
The computation functions takes a DataLab object (e.g. cdl.obj.SignalObj
and a parameter object (e.g. cdl.param.MovingAverageParam
) as input
and return a DataLab object as output (the result of the computation). The parameter
object is used to configure the computation function (e.g. the size of the moving
average window).
In DataLab overall architecture, the purpose of this package is to provide the
computation functions that are used by the cdl.core.gui.processor
based on the algorithms defined in the cdl.algorithms
module and on the
data model defined in the cdl.obj
(or cdl.core.model
) module.
The computation modules are organized in subpackages according to their purpose. The following subpackages are available:
: Common processing featurescdl.computation.signal
: Signal processing featurescdl.computation.image
: Image processing features
Common processing features#
- class cdl.computation.base.ArithmeticParam[source]#
Arithmetic parameters
- operator#
Single choice from: ‘+’, ‘-’, ‘×’, ‘/’. Default: ‘+’.
- factor#
Default: 1.0.
- constant#
Default: 0.0.
- operation#
Default: ‘’.
- restore_dtype#
Result. Default: True.
- classmethod create(operator: str, factor: float, constant: float, operation: str, restore_dtype: bool) cdl.computation.base.ArithmeticParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.
- class cdl.computation.base.GaussianParam[source]#
Gaussian filter parameters
- sigma#
σ. Default: 1.0.
- classmethod create(sigma: float) cdl.computation.base.GaussianParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
sigma (float) – σ. Default: 1.0.
- Returns:
New instance of
- class cdl.computation.base.MovingAverageParam[source]#
Moving average parameters
- n#
Size of the moving window. Integer higher than 1. Default: 3.
- mode#
Mode of the filter: - ‘reflect’: reflect the data at the boundary - ‘constant’: pad with a constant value - ‘nearest’: pad with the nearest value - ‘mirror’: reflect the data at the boundary with the data itself - ‘wrap’: circular boundary. Single choice from: ‘reflect’, ‘constant’, ‘nearest’, ‘mirror’, ‘wrap’. Default: ‘reflect’.
- classmethod create(n: int, mode: str) cdl.computation.base.MovingAverageParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
n (int) – Size of the moving window. Integer higher than 1. Default: 3.
mode (str) – Mode of the filter: - ‘reflect’: reflect the data at the boundary - ‘constant’: pad with a constant value - ‘nearest’: pad with the nearest value - ‘mirror’: reflect the data at the boundary with the data itself - ‘wrap’: circular boundary. Single choice from: ‘reflect’, ‘constant’, ‘nearest’, ‘mirror’, ‘wrap’. Default: ‘reflect’.
- Returns:
New instance of
- class cdl.computation.base.MovingMedianParam[source]#
Moving median parameters
- n#
Size of the moving window. Integer higher than 1, odd. Default: 3.
- mode#
Mode of the filter: - ‘reflect’: reflect the data at the boundary - ‘constant’: pad with a constant value - ‘nearest’: pad with the nearest value - ‘mirror’: reflect the data at the boundary with the data itself - ‘wrap’: circular boundary. Single choice from: ‘reflect’, ‘constant’, ‘nearest’, ‘mirror’, ‘wrap’. Default: ‘nearest’.
- classmethod create(n: int, mode: str) cdl.computation.base.MovingMedianParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
n (int) – Size of the moving window. Integer higher than 1, odd. Default: 3.
mode (str) – Mode of the filter: - ‘reflect’: reflect the data at the boundary - ‘constant’: pad with a constant value - ‘nearest’: pad with the nearest value - ‘mirror’: reflect the data at the boundary with the data itself - ‘wrap’: circular boundary. Single choice from: ‘reflect’, ‘constant’, ‘nearest’, ‘mirror’, ‘wrap’. Default: ‘nearest’.
- Returns:
New instance of
- class cdl.computation.base.ClipParam[source]#
Data clipping parameters
- lower#
Lower clipping value. Default: None.
- upper#
Upper clipping value. Default: None.
- classmethod create(lower: float, upper: float) cdl.computation.base.ClipParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.
- class cdl.computation.base.NormalizeParam[source]#
Normalize parameters
- method#
Normalize with respect to. Single choice from: ‘maximum’, ‘amplitude’, ‘area’, ‘energy’, ‘rms’. Default: ‘maximum’.
- classmethod create(method: str) cdl.computation.base.NormalizeParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
method (str) – Normalize with respect to. Single choice from: ‘maximum’, ‘amplitude’, ‘area’, ‘energy’, ‘rms’. Default: ‘maximum’.
- Returns:
New instance of
- class cdl.computation.base.HistogramParam[source]#
Histogram parameters
- bins#
Number of bins. Integer higher than 1. Default: 256.
- lower#
Lower limit. Default: None.
- upper#
Upper limit. Default: None.
- classmethod create(bins: int, lower: float, upper: float) cdl.computation.base.HistogramParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
- Returns:
New instance of
- class cdl.computation.base.FFTParam[source]#
FFT parameters
- shift#
Shift zero frequency to center. Default: None.
- class cdl.computation.base.SpectrumParam[source]#
Spectrum parameters
- log#
Default: False.
- classmethod create(log: bool) cdl.computation.base.SpectrumParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
log (bool) – Default: False.
- Returns:
New instance of
- class cdl.computation.base.ConstantParam[source]#
Parameter used to set a constant value to used in operations
- value#
Constant value. Default: None.
- classmethod create(value: float) cdl.computation.base.ConstantParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
value (float) – Constant value. Default: None.
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.base.dst_11(src: SignalObj | ImageObj, name: str, suffix: str | None = None) SignalObj | ImageObj [source]#
Create a result object, as returned by the callback function of the
method- Parameters:
src – source signal or image object
name – name of the function. If provided, the title of the result object will be {name}({src.short_id})|{suffix}), unless the name is a single character, in which case the title will be {src.short_id}{name}{suffix} where name is an operator and suffix is the other term of the operation.
suffix – suffix to add to the title. Optional.
- Returns:
Result signal or image object
- cdl.computation.base.dst_n1n(src1: SignalObj | ImageObj, src2: SignalObj | ImageObj, name: str, suffix: str | None = None) SignalObj | ImageObj [source]#
Create a result object, as returned by the callback function of the
method- Parameters:
src1 – input signal or image object
src2 – input signal or image object
name – name of the processing function
- Returns:
Output signal or image object
- cdl.computation.base.new_signal_result(src: SignalObj | ImageObj, name: str, suffix: str | None = None, units: tuple[str, str] | None = None, labels: tuple[str, str] | None = None) SignalObj [source]#
Create new signal object as a result of a compute_11 function
As opposed to the dst_11 functions, this function creates a new signal object without copying the original object metadata, except for the “source” entry.
- Parameters:
src – input signal or image object
name – name of the processing function
suffix – suffix to add to the title
units – units of the output signal
labels – labels of the output signal
- Returns:
Output signal object
- cdl.computation.base.calc_resultproperties(title: str, obj: SignalObj | ImageObj, labeledfuncs: dict[str, Callable]) ResultProperties [source]#
Calculate result properties by executing a computation function on a signal/image object.
- Parameters:
title – title of the result properties
obj – signal or image object
labeledfuncs – dictionary of labeled computation functions. The keys are the labels of the computation functions and the values are the functions themselves (each function must take a single argument - which is the data of the ROI or the whole signal/image - and return a float)
- Returns:
Result properties object
Signal processing features#
- cdl.computation.signal.restore_data_outside_roi(dst: SignalObj, src: SignalObj) None [source]#
Restore data outside the region of interest, after a computation, only if the source signal has a ROI, if the data types are the same and if the shapes are the same. Otherwise, do nothing.
- Parameters:
dst – destination signal object
src – source signal object
- class cdl.computation.signal.Wrap11Func(func: Callable, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#
Wrap a 1 array → 1 array function (the simple case of y1 = f(y0)) to produce a 1 signal → 1 signal function, which can be used inside DataLab’s infrastructure to perform computations with
.This wrapping mechanism using a class is necessary for the resulted function to be pickable by the
module.The instance of this wrapper is callable and returns a
>>> import numpy as np >>> from cdl.computation.signal import Wrap11Func >>> import cdl.obj >>> def square(y): ... return y**2 >>> compute_square = Wrap11Func(square) >>> x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100) >>> y = np.sin(x) >>> sig0 = cdl.obj.create_signal("Example", x, y) >>> sig1 = compute_square(sig0)
- Parameters:
func – 1 array → 1 array function
*args – Additional positional arguments to pass to the function
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments to pass to the function
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_addition(dst: SignalObj, src: SignalObj) SignalObj [source]#
Add dst and src signals and return dst signal modified in place
- Parameters:
dst – destination signal
src – source signal
- Returns:
Modified dst signal (modified in place)
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_product(dst: SignalObj, src: SignalObj) SignalObj [source]#
Multiply dst and src signals and return dst signal modified in place
- Parameters:
dst – destination signal
src – source signal
- Returns:
Modified dst signal (modified in place)
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_addition_constant(src: SignalObj, p: ConstantParam) SignalObj [source]#
Add dst and a constant value and return a the new result signal object
- Parameters:
src – input signal object
p – constant value
- Returns:
Result signal object src + p.value (new object)
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_difference_constant(src: SignalObj, p: ConstantParam) SignalObj [source]#
Subtract a constant value from a signal
- Parameters:
src – input signal object
p – constant value
- Returns:
Result signal object src - p.value (new object)
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_product_constant(src: SignalObj, p: ConstantParam) SignalObj [source]#
Multiply dst by a constant value and return the new result signal object
- Parameters:
src – input signal object
p – constant value
- Returns:
Result signal object src * p.value (new object)
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_division_constant(src: SignalObj, p: ConstantParam) SignalObj [source]#
Divide a signal by a constant value
- Parameters:
src – input signal object
p – constant value
- Returns:
Result signal object src / p.value (new object)
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_arithmetic(src1: SignalObj, src2: SignalObj, p: ArithmeticParam) SignalObj [source]#
Perform arithmetic operation on two signals
- Parameters:
src1 – source signal 1
src2 – source signal 2
p – parameters
- Returns:
Result signal object
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_difference(src1: SignalObj, src2: SignalObj) SignalObj [source]#
Compute difference between two signals
If uncertainty is available, it is propagated.
- Parameters:
src1 – source signal 1
src2 – source signal 2
- Returns:
Result signal object src1 - src2
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_quadratic_difference(src1: SignalObj, src2: SignalObj) SignalObj [source]#
Compute quadratic difference between two signals
If uncertainty is available, it is propagated.
- Parameters:
src1 – source signal 1
src2 – source signal 2
- Returns:
Result signal object (src1 - src2) / sqrt(2.0)
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_division(src1: SignalObj, src2: SignalObj) SignalObj [source]#
Compute division between two signals
- Parameters:
src1 – source signal 1
src2 – source signal 2
- Returns:
Result signal object src1 / src2
- cdl.computation.signal.extract_multiple_roi(src: SignalObj, group: DataSetGroup) SignalObj [source]#
Extract multiple regions of interest from data
- Parameters:
src – source signal
group – group of parameters
- Returns:
Signal with multiple regions of interest
- cdl.computation.signal.extract_single_roi(src: SignalObj, p: ROI1DParam) SignalObj [source]#
Extract single region of interest from data
- Parameters:
src – source signal
p – ROI parameters
- Returns:
Signal with single region of interest
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_swap_axes(src: SignalObj) SignalObj [source]#
Swap axes
- Parameters:
src – source signal
- Returns:
Result signal object
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_abs(src: SignalObj) SignalObj [source]#
Compute absolute value with
- Parameters:
src – source signal
- Returns:
Result signal object
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_re(src: SignalObj) SignalObj [source]#
Compute real part with
- Parameters:
src – source signal
- Returns:
Result signal object
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_im(src: SignalObj) SignalObj [source]#
Compute imaginary part with
- Parameters:
src – source signal
- Returns:
Result signal object
- class cdl.computation.signal.DataTypeSParam[source]#
Convert signal data type parameters
- dtype_str#
Destination data type. Output image data type. Single choice from: ‘float32’, ‘float64’, ‘complex128’. Default: ‘float32’.
- classmethod create(dtype_str: str) cdl.computation.signal.DataTypeSParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
dtype_str (str) – Destination data type. Output image data type. Single choice from: ‘float32’, ‘float64’, ‘complex128’. Default: ‘float32’.
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_astype(src: SignalObj, p: DataTypeSParam) SignalObj [source]#
Convert data type with
- Parameters:
src – source signal
p – parameters
- Returns:
Result signal object
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_log10(src: SignalObj) SignalObj [source]#
Compute Log10 with
- Parameters:
src – source signal
- Returns:
Result signal object
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_exp(src: SignalObj) SignalObj [source]#
Compute exponential with
- Parameters:
src – source signal
- Returns:
Result signal object
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_sqrt(src: SignalObj) SignalObj [source]#
Compute square root with
- Parameters:
src – source signal
- Returns:
Result signal object
- class cdl.computation.signal.PowerParam[source]#
Power parameters
- power#
Default: 2.0.
- classmethod create(power: float) cdl.computation.signal.PowerParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
power (float) – Default: 2.0.
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_power(src: SignalObj, p: PowerParam) SignalObj [source]#
Compute power with
- Parameters:
src – source signal
p – parameters
- Returns:
Result signal object
- class cdl.computation.signal.PeakDetectionParam[source]#
Peak detection parameters
- threshold#
Integer between 0 and 100, unit: %. Default: 30.
- min_dist#
Minimum distance. Integer higher than 1, unit: points. Default: 1.
- classmethod create(threshold: int, min_dist: int) cdl.computation.signal.PeakDetectionParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_peak_detection(src: SignalObj, p: PeakDetectionParam) SignalObj [source]#
Peak detection with
- Parameters:
src – source signal
p – parameters
- Returns:
Result signal object
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_normalize(src: SignalObj, p: NormalizeParam) SignalObj [source]#
Normalize data with
- Parameters:
src – source signal
p – parameters
- Returns:
Result signal object
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_derivative(src: SignalObj) SignalObj [source]#
Compute derivative with
- Parameters:
src – source signal
- Returns:
Result signal object
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_integral(src: SignalObj) SignalObj [source]#
Compute integral with
- Parameters:
src – source signal
- Returns:
Result signal object
- class cdl.computation.signal.XYCalibrateParam[source]#
Signal calibration parameters
- axis#
Calibrate. Single choice from: ‘x’, ‘y’. Default: ‘y’.
- a#
Default: 1.0.
- b#
Default: 0.0.
- classmethod create(axis: str, a: float, b: float) cdl.computation.signal.XYCalibrateParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_calibration(src: SignalObj, p: XYCalibrateParam) SignalObj [source]#
Compute linear calibration
- Parameters:
src – source signal
p – parameters
- Returns:
Result signal object
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_clip(src: SignalObj, p: ClipParam) SignalObj [source]#
Compute maximum data clipping with
- Parameters:
src – source signal
p – parameters
- Returns:
Result signal object
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_offset_correction(src: SignalObj, p: ROI1DParam) SignalObj [source]#
Correct offset: subtract the mean value of the signal in the specified range (baseline correction)
- Parameters:
src – source signal
p – parameters
- Returns:
Result signal object
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_gaussian_filter(src: SignalObj, p: GaussianParam) SignalObj [source]#
Compute gaussian filter with
- Parameters:
src – source signal
p – parameters
- Returns:
Result signal object
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_moving_average(src: SignalObj, p: MovingAverageParam) SignalObj [source]#
Compute moving average with
- Parameters:
src – source signal
p – parameters
- Returns:
Result signal object
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_moving_median(src: SignalObj, p: MovingMedianParam) SignalObj [source]#
Compute moving median with
- Parameters:
src – source signal
p – parameters
- Returns:
Result signal object
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_wiener(src: SignalObj) SignalObj [source]#
Compute Wiener filter with
- Parameters:
src – source signal
- Returns:
Result signal object
- class cdl.computation.signal.FilterType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]#
Filter types
- class cdl.computation.signal.BaseHighLowBandParam[source]#
Base class for high-pass, low-pass, band-pass and band-stop filters
- method#
Filter method. Single choice from: ‘bessel’, ‘butter’, ‘cheby1’, ‘cheby2’, ‘ellip’. Default: ‘bessel’.
- order#
Filter order. Integer higher than 1. Default: 3.
- f_cut0#
Low cutoff frequency. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: hz. Default: None.
- f_cut1#
High cutoff frequency. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: hz. Default: None.
- rp#
Passband ripple. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: db. Default: 1.
- rs#
Stopband attenuation. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: db. Default: 1.
- classmethod create(method: str, order: int, f_cut0: float, f_cut1: float, rp: float, rs: float) cdl.computation.signal.BaseHighLowBandParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
method (str) – Filter method. Single choice from: ‘bessel’, ‘butter’, ‘cheby1’, ‘cheby2’, ‘ellip’. Default: ‘bessel’.
order (int) – Filter order. Integer higher than 1. Default: 3.
f_cut0 (float) – Low cutoff frequency. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: hz. Default: None.
f_cut1 (float) – High cutoff frequency. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: hz. Default: None.
rp (float) – Passband ripple. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: db. Default: 1.
rs (float) – Stopband attenuation. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: db. Default: 1.
- Returns:
New instance of
- static get_nyquist_frequency(obj: SignalObj) float [source]#
Return the Nyquist frequency of a signal object
- Parameters:
obj – signal object
- class cdl.computation.signal.LowPassFilterParam[source]#
Low-pass filter parameters
- method#
Filter method. Single choice from: ‘bessel’, ‘butter’, ‘cheby1’, ‘cheby2’, ‘ellip’. Default: ‘bessel’.
- order#
Filter order. Integer higher than 1. Default: 3.
- f_cut0#
Low cutoff frequency. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: hz. Default: None.
- f_cut1#
High cutoff frequency. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: hz. Default: None.
- rp#
Passband ripple. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: db. Default: 1.
- rs#
Stopband attenuation. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: db. Default: 1.
- classmethod create(method: str, order: int, f_cut0: float, f_cut1: float, rp: float, rs: float) cdl.computation.signal.LowPassFilterParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
method (str) – Filter method. Single choice from: ‘bessel’, ‘butter’, ‘cheby1’, ‘cheby2’, ‘ellip’. Default: ‘bessel’.
order (int) – Filter order. Integer higher than 1. Default: 3.
f_cut0 (float) – Low cutoff frequency. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: hz. Default: None.
f_cut1 (float) – High cutoff frequency. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: hz. Default: None.
rp (float) – Passband ripple. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: db. Default: 1.
rs (float) – Stopband attenuation. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: db. Default: 1.
- Returns:
New instance of
- class cdl.computation.signal.HighPassFilterParam[source]#
High-pass filter parameters
- method#
Filter method. Single choice from: ‘bessel’, ‘butter’, ‘cheby1’, ‘cheby2’, ‘ellip’. Default: ‘bessel’.
- order#
Filter order. Integer higher than 1. Default: 3.
- f_cut0#
Low cutoff frequency. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: hz. Default: None.
- f_cut1#
High cutoff frequency. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: hz. Default: None.
- rp#
Passband ripple. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: db. Default: 1.
- rs#
Stopband attenuation. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: db. Default: 1.
- classmethod create(method: str, order: int, f_cut0: float, f_cut1: float, rp: float, rs: float) cdl.computation.signal.HighPassFilterParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
method (str) – Filter method. Single choice from: ‘bessel’, ‘butter’, ‘cheby1’, ‘cheby2’, ‘ellip’. Default: ‘bessel’.
order (int) – Filter order. Integer higher than 1. Default: 3.
f_cut0 (float) – Low cutoff frequency. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: hz. Default: None.
f_cut1 (float) – High cutoff frequency. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: hz. Default: None.
rp (float) – Passband ripple. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: db. Default: 1.
rs (float) – Stopband attenuation. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: db. Default: 1.
- Returns:
New instance of
- class cdl.computation.signal.BandPassFilterParam[source]#
Band-pass filter parameters
- method#
Filter method. Single choice from: ‘bessel’, ‘butter’, ‘cheby1’, ‘cheby2’, ‘ellip’. Default: ‘bessel’.
- order#
Filter order. Integer higher than 1. Default: 3.
- f_cut0#
Low cutoff frequency. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: hz. Default: None.
- f_cut1#
High cutoff frequency. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: hz. Default: None.
- rp#
Passband ripple. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: db. Default: 1.
- rs#
Stopband attenuation. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: db. Default: 1.
- classmethod create(method: str, order: int, f_cut0: float, f_cut1: float, rp: float, rs: float) cdl.computation.signal.BandPassFilterParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
method (str) – Filter method. Single choice from: ‘bessel’, ‘butter’, ‘cheby1’, ‘cheby2’, ‘ellip’. Default: ‘bessel’.
order (int) – Filter order. Integer higher than 1. Default: 3.
f_cut0 (float) – Low cutoff frequency. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: hz. Default: None.
f_cut1 (float) – High cutoff frequency. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: hz. Default: None.
rp (float) – Passband ripple. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: db. Default: 1.
rs (float) – Stopband attenuation. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: db. Default: 1.
- Returns:
New instance of
- class cdl.computation.signal.BandStopFilterParam[source]#
Band-stop filter parameters
- method#
Filter method. Single choice from: ‘bessel’, ‘butter’, ‘cheby1’, ‘cheby2’, ‘ellip’. Default: ‘bessel’.
- order#
Filter order. Integer higher than 1. Default: 3.
- f_cut0#
Low cutoff frequency. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: hz. Default: None.
- f_cut1#
High cutoff frequency. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: hz. Default: None.
- rp#
Passband ripple. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: db. Default: 1.
- rs#
Stopband attenuation. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: db. Default: 1.
- classmethod create(method: str, order: int, f_cut0: float, f_cut1: float, rp: float, rs: float) cdl.computation.signal.BandStopFilterParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
method (str) – Filter method. Single choice from: ‘bessel’, ‘butter’, ‘cheby1’, ‘cheby2’, ‘ellip’. Default: ‘bessel’.
order (int) – Filter order. Integer higher than 1. Default: 3.
f_cut0 (float) – Low cutoff frequency. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: hz. Default: None.
f_cut1 (float) – High cutoff frequency. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: hz. Default: None.
rp (float) – Passband ripple. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: db. Default: 1.
rs (float) – Stopband attenuation. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: db. Default: 1.
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_filter(src: SignalObj, p: BaseHighLowBandParam) SignalObj [source]#
Compute frequency filter (low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, band-stop), with
- Parameters:
src – source signal
p – parameters
- Returns:
Result signal object
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_fft(src: SignalObj, p: FFTParam | None = None) SignalObj [source]#
Compute FFT with
- Parameters:
src – source signal
p – parameters
- Returns:
Result signal object
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_ifft(src: SignalObj, p: FFTParam | None = None) SignalObj [source]#
Compute iFFT with
- Parameters:
src – source signal
p – parameters
- Returns:
Result signal object
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_magnitude_spectrum(src: SignalObj, p: SpectrumParam | None = None) SignalObj [source]#
Compute magnitude spectrum with
- Parameters:
src – source signal
p – parameters
- Returns:
Result signal object
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_phase_spectrum(src: SignalObj) SignalObj [source]#
Compute phase spectrum with
- Parameters:
src – source signal
- Returns:
Result signal object
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_psd(src: SignalObj, p: SpectrumParam | None = None) SignalObj [source]#
Compute power spectral density with
- Parameters:
src – source signal
p – parameters
- Returns:
Result signal object
- class cdl.computation.signal.PolynomialFitParam[source]#
Polynomial fitting parameters
- degree#
Integer between 1 and 10. Default: 3.
- classmethod create(degree: int) cdl.computation.signal.PolynomialFitParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
degree (int) – Integer between 1 and 10. Default: 3.
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_histogram(src: SignalObj, p: HistogramParam) SignalObj [source]#
Compute histogram with
- Parameters:
src – source signal
p – parameters
- Returns:
Result signal object
- class cdl.computation.signal.InterpolationParam[source]#
Interpolation parameters
- method#
Interpolation method. Single choice from: ‘linear’, ‘spline’, ‘quadratic’, ‘cubic’, ‘barycentric’, ‘pchip’. Default: ‘linear’.
- fill_value#
Value to use for points outside the interpolation domain (used only with linear, cubic and pchip methods). Default: None.
- classmethod create(method: str, fill_value: float) cdl.computation.signal.InterpolationParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_interpolation(src1: SignalObj, src2: SignalObj, p: InterpolationParam) SignalObj [source]#
Interpolate data with
- Parameters:
src1 – source signal 1
src2 – source signal 2
p – parameters
- Returns:
Result signal object
- class cdl.computation.signal.ResamplingParam[source]#
Resample parameters
- method#
Interpolation method. Single choice from: ‘linear’, ‘spline’, ‘quadratic’, ‘cubic’, ‘barycentric’, ‘pchip’. Default: ‘linear’.
- fill_value#
Value to use for points outside the interpolation domain (used only with linear, cubic and pchip methods). Default: None.
- xmin#
Xmin. Default: None.
- xmax#
Xmax. Default: None.
- mode#
Single choice from: ‘dx’, ‘nbpts’. Default: ‘nbpts’.
- dx#
ΔX. Default: None.
- nbpts#
Number of points. Default: None.
- classmethod create(method: str, fill_value: float, xmin: float, xmax: float, mode: str, dx: float, nbpts: int) cdl.computation.signal.ResamplingParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
method (str) – Interpolation method. Single choice from: ‘linear’, ‘spline’, ‘quadratic’, ‘cubic’, ‘barycentric’, ‘pchip’. Default: ‘linear’.
fill_value (float) – Value to use for points outside the interpolation domain (used only with linear, cubic and pchip methods). Default: None.
xmin (float) – Xmin. Default: None.
xmax (float) – Xmax. Default: None.
mode (str) – Single choice from: ‘dx’, ‘nbpts’. Default: ‘nbpts’.
dx (float) – ΔX. Default: None.
nbpts (int) – Number of points. Default: None.
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_resampling(src: SignalObj, p: ResamplingParam) SignalObj [source]#
Resample data with
- Parameters:
src – source signal
p – parameters
- Returns:
Result signal object
- class cdl.computation.signal.DetrendingParam[source]#
Detrending parameters
- method#
Detrending method. Single choice from: ‘linear’, ‘constant’. Default: ‘linear’.
- classmethod create(method: str) cdl.computation.signal.DetrendingParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
method (str) – Detrending method. Single choice from: ‘linear’, ‘constant’. Default: ‘linear’.
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_detrending(src: SignalObj, p: DetrendingParam) SignalObj [source]#
Detrend data with
- Parameters:
src – source signal
p – parameters
- Returns:
Result signal object
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_convolution(src1: SignalObj, src2: SignalObj) SignalObj [source]#
Compute convolution of two signals with
- Parameters:
src1 – source signal 1
src2 – source signal 2
- Returns:
Result signal object
- class cdl.computation.signal.WindowingParam[source]#
Windowing parameters
- method#
Single choice from: ‘barthann’, ‘bartlett’, ‘blackman’, ‘blackman-harris’, ‘bohman’, ‘boxcar’, ‘cosine’, ‘exponential’, ‘flat-top’, ‘gaussian’, ‘hamming’, ‘hanning’, ‘kaiser’, ‘lanczos’, ‘nuttall’, ‘parzen’, ‘rectangular’, ‘taylor’, ‘tukey’. Default: ‘hamming’.
- alpha#
Shape parameter of the tukey windowing function. Default: 0.5.
- beta#
Shape parameter of the kaiser windowing function. Default: 14.0.
- sigma#
Shape parameter of the gaussian windowing function. Default: 0.5.
- classmethod create(method: str, alpha: float, beta: float, sigma: float) cdl.computation.signal.WindowingParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
method (str) – Single choice from: ‘barthann’, ‘bartlett’, ‘blackman’, ‘blackman-harris’, ‘bohman’, ‘boxcar’, ‘cosine’, ‘exponential’, ‘flat-top’, ‘gaussian’, ‘hamming’, ‘hanning’, ‘kaiser’, ‘lanczos’, ‘nuttall’, ‘parzen’, ‘rectangular’, ‘taylor’, ‘tukey’. Default: ‘hamming’.
alpha (float) – Shape parameter of the tukey windowing function. Default: 0.5.
beta (float) – Shape parameter of the kaiser windowing function. Default: 14.0.
sigma (float) – Shape parameter of the gaussian windowing function. Default: 0.5.
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_windowing(src: SignalObj, p: WindowingParam) SignalObj [source]#
Compute windowing (available methods: hamming, hanning, bartlett, blackman, tukey, rectangular) with
- Parameters:
dst – destination signal
src – source signal
- Returns:
Result signal object
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_reverse_x(src: SignalObj) SignalObj [source]#
Reverse x-axis
- Parameters:
src – source signal
- Returns:
Result signal object
- cdl.computation.signal.calc_resultshape(title: str, shape: Literal['rectangle', 'circle', 'ellipse', 'segment', 'marker', 'point', 'polygon'], obj: SignalObj, func: Callable, *args: Any, add_label: bool = False) ResultShape | None [source]#
Calculate result shape by executing a computation function on a signal object, taking into account the signal ROIs.
- Parameters:
title – result title
shape – result shape kind
obj – input image object
func – computation function
*args – computation function arguments
add_label – if True, add a label item (and the geometrical shape) to plot (default to False)
- Returns:
Result shape object or None if no result is found
The computation function must take either a single argument (the data) or multiple arguments (the data followed by the computation parameters).
Moreover, the computation function must return a 1D NumPy array (or a list, or a tuple) containing the result of the computation.
- class cdl.computation.signal.FWHMParam[source]#
FWHM parameters
- method#
Single choice from: ‘zero-crossing’, ‘gauss’, ‘lorentz’, ‘voigt’. Default: ‘zero-crossing’.
- xmin#
XMIN. Lower x boundary (empty for no limit, i.e. Start of the signal). Default: None.
- xmax#
XMAX. Upper x boundary (empty for no limit, i.e. End of the signal). Default: None.
- classmethod create(method: str, xmin: float, xmax: float) cdl.computation.signal.FWHMParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
method (str) – Single choice from: ‘zero-crossing’, ‘gauss’, ‘lorentz’, ‘voigt’. Default: ‘zero-crossing’.
xmin (float) – XMIN. Lower x boundary (empty for no limit, i.e. Start of the signal). Default: None.
xmax (float) – XMAX. Upper x boundary (empty for no limit, i.e. End of the signal). Default: None.
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_fwhm(obj: SignalObj, param: FWHMParam) ResultShape | None [source]#
Compute FWHM with
- Parameters:
obj – source signal
param – parameters
- Returns:
Segment coordinates
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_fw1e2(obj: SignalObj) ResultShape | None [source]#
Compute FW at 1/e² with
- Parameters:
obj – source signal
- Returns:
Segment coordinates
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_stats(obj: SignalObj) ResultProperties [source]#
Compute statistics on a signal
- Parameters:
obj – source signal
- Returns:
Result properties object
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_bandwidth_3db(obj: SignalObj) ResultProperties [source]#
Compute bandwidth at -3 dB with
- Parameters:
obj – source signal
- Returns:
Result properties with bandwidth
- class cdl.computation.signal.DynamicParam[source]#
Parameters for dynamic range computation (ENOB, SNR, SINAD, THD, SFDR)
- full_scale#
Float higher than 0.0, unit: v. Default: 0.16.
- unit#
Unit for sinad. Single choice from: ‘dBc’, ‘dBFS’. Default: ‘dBc’.
- nb_harm#
Number of harmonics. Number of harmonics to consider for thd. Integer higher than 1. Default: 5.
- classmethod create(full_scale: float, unit: str, nb_harm: int) cdl.computation.signal.DynamicParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_dynamic_parameters(src: SignalObj, p: DynamicParam) ResultProperties [source]#
Compute Dynamic parameters using the following functions:
- Parameters:
src – source signal
p – parameters
- Returns:
Result properties with ENOB, SNR, SINAD, THD, SFDR
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_sampling_rate_period(obj: SignalObj) ResultProperties [source]#
Compute sampling rate and period using the following functions:
- Parameters:
obj – source signal
- Returns:
Result properties with sampling rate and period
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_contrast(obj: SignalObj) ResultProperties [source]#
Compute contrast with
- cdl.computation.signal.compute_x_at_minmax(obj: SignalObj) ResultProperties [source]#
Compute x at min/max
Image processing features#
Base image processing features#
- cdl.computation.image.restore_data_outside_roi(dst: ImageObj, src: ImageObj) None [source]#
Restore data outside the Region Of Interest (ROI) of the input image after a computation, only if the input image has a ROI, if the data types are compatible, and if the shapes are the same. Otherwise, do nothing.
- Parameters:
dst – output image object
src – input image object
- class cdl.computation.image.Wrap11Func(func: Callable, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#
Wrap a 1 array → 1 array function to produce a 1 image → 1 image function, which can be used inside DataLab’s infrastructure to perform computations with
.This wrapping mechanism using a class is necessary for the resulted function to be pickable by the
module.The instance of this wrapper is callable and returns a
>>> import numpy as np >>> from cdl.computation.image import Wrap11Func >>> import cdl.obj >>> def add_noise(data): ... return data + np.random.random(data.shape) >>> compute_add_noise = Wrap11Func(add_noise) >>> data= np.ones((100, 100)) >>> ima0 = cdl.obj.create_image("Example", data) >>> ima1 = compute_add_noise(ima0)
- Parameters:
func – 1 array → 1 array function
*args – Additional positional arguments to pass to the function
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments to pass to the function
- cdl.computation.image.dst_11_signal(src: ImageObj, name: str, suffix: str | None = None) SignalObj [source]#
Create a result signal object, as returned by the callback function of the
method- Parameters:
src – input image object
name – name of the processing function
- Returns:
Output signal object
- cdl.computation.image.compute_addition(dst: ImageObj, src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Add dst and src images and return dst image modified in place
- Parameters:
dst – output image object
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object (modified in place)
- cdl.computation.image.compute_product(dst: ImageObj, src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Multiply dst and src images and return dst image modified in place
- Parameters:
dst – output image object
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object (modified in place)
- cdl.computation.image.compute_addition_constant(src: ImageObj, p: ConstantParam) ImageObj [source]#
Add dst and a constant value and return the new result image object
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – constant value
- Returns:
Result image object src + p.value (new object)
- cdl.computation.image.compute_difference_constant(src: ImageObj, p: ConstantParam) ImageObj [source]#
Subtract a constant value from an image and return the new result image object
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – constant value
- Returns:
Result image object src - p.value (new object)
- cdl.computation.image.compute_product_constant(src: ImageObj, p: ConstantParam) ImageObj [source]#
Multiply dst by a constant value and return the new result image object
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – constant value
- Returns:
Result image object src * p.value (new object)
- cdl.computation.image.compute_division_constant(src: ImageObj, p: ConstantParam) ImageObj [source]#
Divide an image by a constant value and return the new result image object
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – constant value
- Returns:
Result image object src / p.value (new object)
- cdl.computation.image.compute_arithmetic(src1: ImageObj, src2: ImageObj, p: ArithmeticParam) ImageObj [source]#
Compute arithmetic operation on two images
- Parameters:
src1 – input image object
src2 – input image object
p – arithmetic parameters
- Returns:
Result image object
- cdl.computation.image.compute_difference(src1: ImageObj, src2: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute difference between two images
- Parameters:
src1 – input image object
src2 – input image object
- Returns:
Result image object src1 - src2 (new object)
- cdl.computation.image.compute_quadratic_difference(src1: ImageObj, src2: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute quadratic difference between two images
- Parameters:
src1 – input image object
src2 – input image object
- Returns:
Result image object (src1 - src2) / sqrt(2.0) (new object)
- cdl.computation.image.compute_division(src1: ImageObj, src2: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute division between two images
- Parameters:
src1 – input image object
src2 – input image object
- Returns:
Result image object src1 / src2 (new object)
- class cdl.computation.image.FlatFieldParam[source]#
Flat-field parameters
- threshold#
Default: 0.0.
- classmethod create(threshold: float) cdl.computation.image.FlatFieldParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
threshold (float) – Default: 0.0.
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.compute_flatfield(src1: ImageObj, src2: ImageObj, p: FlatFieldParam) ImageObj [source]#
Compute flat field correction with
- Parameters:
src1 – raw data image object
src2 – flat field image object
p – flat field parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.compute_normalize(src: ImageObj, p: NormalizeParam) ImageObj [source]#
Normalize image data depending on its maximum, with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- class cdl.computation.image.LogP1Param[source]#
Log10 parameters
- n#
Default: None.
- classmethod create(n: float) cdl.computation.image.LogP1Param #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
n (float) – Default: None.
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.compute_logp1(src: ImageObj, p: LogP1Param) ImageObj [source]#
Compute log10(z+n) with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- class cdl.computation.image.RotateParam[source]#
Rotate parameters
- angle#
Angle (°). Default: None.
- mode#
Single choice from: ‘constant’, ‘nearest’, ‘reflect’, ‘wrap’. Default: ‘constant’.
- cval#
Value used for points outside the boundaries of the input if mode is ‘constant’. Default: 0.0.
- reshape#
Reshape the output array so that the input array is contained completely in the output. Default: False.
- prefilter#
Default: True.
- order#
Spline interpolation order. Integer between 0 and 5. Default: 3.
- classmethod create(angle: float, mode: str, cval: float, reshape: bool, prefilter: bool, order: int) cdl.computation.image.RotateParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
angle (float) – Angle (°). Default: None.
mode (str) – Single choice from: ‘constant’, ‘nearest’, ‘reflect’, ‘wrap’. Default: ‘constant’.
cval (float) – Value used for points outside the boundaries of the input if mode is ‘constant’. Default: 0.0.
reshape (bool) – Reshape the output array so that the input array is contained completely in the output. Default: False.
prefilter (bool) – Default: True.
order (int) – Spline interpolation order. Integer between 0 and 5. Default: 3.
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.rotate_obj_coords(angle: float, obj: ImageObj, orig: ImageObj, coords: ndarray) None [source]#
Apply rotation to coords associated to image obj
- Parameters:
angle – rotation angle (in degrees)
obj – image object
orig – original image object
coords – coordinates to rotate
- Returns:
Output data
- cdl.computation.image.rotate_obj_alpha(obj: ImageObj, orig: ImageObj, coords: ndarray, p: RotateParam) None [source]#
Apply rotation to coords associated to image obj
- cdl.computation.image.compute_rotate(src: ImageObj, p: RotateParam) ImageObj [source]#
Rotate data with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.rotate_obj_90(dst: ImageObj, src: ImageObj, coords: ndarray) None [source]#
Apply rotation to coords associated to image obj
- cdl.computation.image.compute_rotate90(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Rotate data 90° with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.rotate_obj_270(dst: ImageObj, src: ImageObj, coords: ndarray) None [source]#
Apply rotation to coords associated to image obj
- cdl.computation.image.compute_rotate270(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Rotate data 270° with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.hflip_coords(dst: ImageObj, src: ImageObj, coords: ndarray) None [source]#
Apply HFlip to coords
- cdl.computation.image.compute_fliph(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Flip data horizontally with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.vflip_coords(dst: ImageObj, src: ImageObj, coords: ndarray) None [source]#
Apply VFlip to coords
- cdl.computation.image.compute_flipv(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Flip data vertically with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- class cdl.computation.image.GridParam[source]#
Grid parameters
- direction#
Distribute over. Single choice from: ‘col’, ‘row’. Default: ‘col’.
- cols#
Columns. Integer, non zero. Default: 1.
- rows#
Integer, non zero. Default: 1.
- colspac#
Column spacing. Float higher than 0.0. Default: 0.0.
- rowspac#
Row spacing. Float higher than 0.0. Default: 0.0.
- classmethod create(direction: str, cols: int, rows: int, colspac: float, rowspac: float) cdl.computation.image.GridParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
direction (str) – Distribute over. Single choice from: ‘col’, ‘row’. Default: ‘col’.
cols (int) – Columns. Integer, non zero. Default: 1.
rows (int) – Integer, non zero. Default: 1.
colspac (float) – Column spacing. Float higher than 0.0. Default: 0.0.
rowspac (float) – Row spacing. Float higher than 0.0. Default: 0.0.
- Returns:
New instance of
- class cdl.computation.image.ResizeParam[source]#
Resize parameters
- zoom#
Default: None.
- mode#
Single choice from: ‘constant’, ‘nearest’, ‘reflect’, ‘wrap’. Default: ‘constant’.
- cval#
Value used for points outside the boundaries of the input if mode is ‘constant’. Default: 0.0.
- prefilter#
Default: True.
- order#
Spline interpolation order. Integer between 0 and 5. Default: 3.
- classmethod create(zoom: float, mode: str, cval: float, prefilter: bool, order: int) cdl.computation.image.ResizeParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
zoom (float) – Default: None.
mode (str) – Single choice from: ‘constant’, ‘nearest’, ‘reflect’, ‘wrap’. Default: ‘constant’.
cval (float) – Value used for points outside the boundaries of the input if mode is ‘constant’. Default: 0.0.
prefilter (bool) – Default: True.
order (int) – Spline interpolation order. Integer between 0 and 5. Default: 3.
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.compute_resize(src: ImageObj, p: ResizeParam) ImageObj [source]#
Zooming function with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- class cdl.computation.image.BinningParam[source]#
Binning parameters
- sx#
Cluster size (X). Number of adjacent pixels to be combined together along x-axis. Integer higher than 2. Default: 2.
- sy#
Cluster size (Y). Number of adjacent pixels to be combined together along y-axis. Integer higher than 2. Default: 2.
- operation#
Single choice from: ‘sum’, ‘average’, ‘median’, ‘min’, ‘max’. Default: ‘sum’.
- dtype_str#
Data type. Output image data type. Single choice from: ‘dtype’, ‘float32’, ‘float64’, ‘complex128’, ‘uint8’, ‘int16’, ‘uint16’, ‘int32’. Default: ‘dtype’.
- change_pixel_size#
Change pixel size so that overall image size remains the same. Default: False.
- classmethod create(sx: int, sy: int, operation: str, dtype_str: str, change_pixel_size: bool) cdl.computation.image.BinningParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
sx (int) – Cluster size (X). Number of adjacent pixels to be combined together along x-axis. Integer higher than 2. Default: 2.
sy (int) – Cluster size (Y). Number of adjacent pixels to be combined together along y-axis. Integer higher than 2. Default: 2.
operation (str) – Single choice from: ‘sum’, ‘average’, ‘median’, ‘min’, ‘max’. Default: ‘sum’.
dtype_str (str) – Data type. Output image data type. Single choice from: ‘dtype’, ‘float32’, ‘float64’, ‘complex128’, ‘uint8’, ‘int16’, ‘uint16’, ‘int32’. Default: ‘dtype’.
change_pixel_size (bool) – Change pixel size so that overall image size remains the same. Default: False.
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.compute_binning(src: ImageObj, param: BinningParam) ImageObj [source]#
Binning function on data with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
param – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.extract_multiple_roi(src: ImageObj, group: DataSetGroup) ImageObj [source]#
Extract multiple regions of interest from data
- Parameters:
src – input image object
group – parameters defining the regions of interest
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.extract_single_roi(src: ImageObj, p: ROI2DParam) ImageObj [source]#
Extract single ROI
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – ROI parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- class cdl.computation.image.LineProfileParam[source]#
Horizontal or vertical profile parameters
- direction#
Single choice from: ‘horizontal’, ‘vertical’. Default: ‘horizontal’.
- row#
Integer higher than 0. Default: 0.
- col#
Column. Integer higher than 0. Default: 0.
- classmethod create(direction: str, row: int, col: int) cdl.computation.image.LineProfileParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.compute_line_profile(src: ImageObj, p: LineProfileParam) SignalObj [source]#
Compute horizontal or vertical profile
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Signal object with the profile
- class cdl.computation.image.SegmentProfileParam[source]#
Segment profile parameters
- row1#
Start row. Integer higher than 0. Default: 0.
- col1#
Start column. Integer higher than 0. Default: 0.
- row2#
End row. Integer higher than 0. Default: 0.
- col2#
End column. Integer higher than 0. Default: 0.
- classmethod create(row1: int, col1: int, row2: int, col2: int) cdl.computation.image.SegmentProfileParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.compute_segment_profile(src: ImageObj, p: SegmentProfileParam) SignalObj [source]#
Compute segment profile
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Signal object with the segment profile
- class cdl.computation.image.AverageProfileParam[source]#
Average horizontal or vertical profile parameters
- direction#
Single choice from: ‘horizontal’, ‘vertical’. Default: ‘horizontal’.
- row1#
Integer higher than 0. Default: 0.
- row2#
Integer higher than -1. Default: -1.
- col1#
Column 1. Integer higher than 0. Default: 0.
- col2#
Column 2. Integer higher than -1. Default: -1.
- classmethod create(direction: str, row1: int, row2: int, col1: int, col2: int) cdl.computation.image.AverageProfileParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
direction (str) – Single choice from: ‘horizontal’, ‘vertical’. Default: ‘horizontal’.
row1 (int) – Integer higher than 0. Default: 0.
row2 (int) – Integer higher than -1. Default: -1.
col1 (int) – Column 1. Integer higher than 0. Default: 0.
col2 (int) – Column 2. Integer higher than -1. Default: -1.
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.compute_average_profile(src: ImageObj, p: AverageProfileParam) SignalObj [source]#
Compute horizontal or vertical average profile
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Signal object with the average profile
- class cdl.computation.image.RadialProfileParam[source]#
Radial profile parameters
- center#
Center position. Single choice from: ‘centroid’, ‘center’, ‘user’. Default: ‘centroid’.
- x0#
XCenter. Float, unit: pixel. Default: None.
- y0#
XCenter. Float, unit: pixel. Default: None.
- classmethod create(center: str, x0: float, y0: float) cdl.computation.image.RadialProfileParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.compute_radial_profile(src: ImageObj, p: RadialProfileParam) SignalObj [source]#
Compute radial profile around the centroid with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Signal object with the radial profile
- cdl.computation.image.compute_histogram(src: ImageObj, p: HistogramParam) SignalObj [source]#
Compute histogram of the image data, with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Signal object with the histogram
- cdl.computation.image.compute_swap_axes(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Swap image axes with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.compute_abs(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute absolute value with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.compute_re(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute real part with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.compute_im(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute imaginary part with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- class cdl.computation.image.DataTypeIParam[source]#
Convert image data type parameters
- dtype_str#
Destination data type. Output image data type. Single choice from: ‘float32’, ‘float64’, ‘complex128’, ‘uint8’, ‘int16’, ‘uint16’, ‘int32’. Default: ‘float32’.
- classmethod create(dtype_str: str) cdl.computation.image.DataTypeIParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
dtype_str (str) – Destination data type. Output image data type. Single choice from: ‘float32’, ‘float64’, ‘complex128’, ‘uint8’, ‘int16’, ‘uint16’, ‘int32’. Default: ‘float32’.
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.compute_astype(src: ImageObj, p: DataTypeIParam) ImageObj [source]#
Convert image data type with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.compute_log10(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute log10 with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.compute_exp(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute exponential with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- class cdl.computation.image.ZCalibrateParam[source]#
Image linear calibration parameters
- a#
Default: 1.0.
- b#
Default: 0.0.
- classmethod create(a: float, b: float) cdl.computation.image.ZCalibrateParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.compute_calibration(src: ImageObj, p: ZCalibrateParam) ImageObj [source]#
Compute linear calibration
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – calibration parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.compute_clip(src: ImageObj, p: ClipParam) ImageObj [source]#
Apply clipping with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.compute_offset_correction(src: ImageObj, p: ROI2DParam) ImageObj [source]#
Apply offset correction
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.compute_gaussian_filter(src: ImageObj, p: GaussianParam) ImageObj [source]#
Compute gaussian filter with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.compute_moving_average(src: ImageObj, p: MovingAverageParam) ImageObj [source]#
Compute moving average with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.compute_moving_median(src: ImageObj, p: MovingMedianParam) ImageObj [source]#
Compute moving median with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.compute_wiener(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute Wiener filter with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.compute_fft(src: ImageObj, p: FFTParam | None = None) ImageObj [source]#
Compute FFT with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.compute_ifft(src: ImageObj, p: FFTParam | None = None) ImageObj [source]#
Compute inverse FFT with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.compute_magnitude_spectrum(src: ImageObj, p: SpectrumParam | None = None) ImageObj [source]#
Compute magnitude spectrum with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.compute_phase_spectrum(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute phase spectrum with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.compute_psd(src: ImageObj, p: SpectrumParam | None = None) ImageObj [source]#
Compute power spectral density with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- class cdl.computation.image.ButterworthParam[source]#
Butterworth filter parameters
- cut_off#
Cut-off frequency ratio. Cut-off frequency ratio. Float between 0.0 and 0.5. Default: 0.005.
- high_pass#
If true, apply high-pass filter instead of low-pass. Default: False.
- order#
Order of the butterworth filter. Integer higher than 1. Default: 2.
- classmethod create(cut_off: float, high_pass: bool, order: int) cdl.computation.image.ButterworthParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.compute_butterworth(src: ImageObj, p: ButterworthParam) ImageObj [source]#
Compute Butterworth filter with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.calc_resultshape(title: str, shape: Literal['rectangle', 'circle', 'ellipse', 'segment', 'marker', 'point', 'polygon'], obj: ImageObj, func: Callable, *args: Any, add_label: bool = False) ResultShape | None [source]#
Calculate result shape by executing a computation function on an image object, taking into account the image origin (x0, y0), scale (dx, dy) and ROIs.
- Parameters:
title – result title
shape – result shape kind
obj – input image object
func – computation function
*args – computation function arguments
add_label – if True, add a label item (and the geometrical shape) to plot (default to False)
- Returns:
Result shape object or None if no result is found
The computation function must take either a single argument (the data) or multiple arguments (the data followed by the computation parameters).
Moreover, the computation function must return a single value or a NumPy array containing the result of the computation. This array contains the coordinates of points, polygons, circles or ellipses in the form [[x, y], …], or [[x0, y0, x1, y1, …], …], or [[x0, y0, r], …], or [[x0, y0, a, b, theta], …].
- cdl.computation.image.get_centroid_coords(data: ndarray) ndarray [source]#
Return centroid coordinates with
- Parameters:
data – input data
- Returns:
Centroid coordinates
- cdl.computation.image.compute_centroid(image: ImageObj) ResultShape | None [source]#
Compute centroid with
- Parameters:
image – input image
- Returns:
Centroid coordinates
- cdl.computation.image.get_enclosing_circle_coords(data: ndarray) ndarray [source]#
Return diameter coords for the circle contour enclosing image values above threshold (FWHM)
- Parameters:
data – input data
- Returns:
Diameter coords
- cdl.computation.image.compute_enclosing_circle(image: ImageObj) ResultShape | None [source]#
Compute minimum enclosing circle with
- Parameters:
image – input image
- Returns:
Diameter coords
- class cdl.computation.image.HoughCircleParam[source]#
Circle Hough transform parameters
- min_radius#
Radiusmin. Integer higher than 0, non zero, unit: pixels. Default: None.
- max_radius#
Radiusmax. Integer higher than 0, non zero, unit: pixels. Default: None.
- min_distance#
Minimal distance. Integer higher than 0. Default: None.
- classmethod create(min_radius: int, max_radius: int, min_distance: int) cdl.computation.image.HoughCircleParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.compute_hough_circle_peaks(image: ImageObj, p: HoughCircleParam) ResultShape | None [source]#
Compute Hough circles with
- Parameters:
image – input image
p – parameters
- Returns:
Circle coordinates
- cdl.computation.image.compute_stats(obj: ImageObj) ResultProperties [source]#
Compute statistics on an image
- Parameters:
obj – input image object
- Returns:
Result properties
Threshold features#
Threshold computation module#
- class cdl.computation.image.threshold.ThresholdParam[source]#
Histogram threshold parameters
- method#
Threshold method. Single choice from: ‘manual’, ‘isodata’, ‘li’, ‘mean’, ‘minimum’, ‘otsu’, ‘triangle’, ‘yen’. Default: ‘manual’.
- bins#
Number of bins. Integer higher than 1. Default: 256.
- value#
Threshold value. Default: 0.0.
- operation#
Single choice from: ‘>’, ‘<’. Default: ‘>’.
- classmethod create(method: str, bins: int, value: float, operation: str) cdl.computation.image.threshold.ThresholdParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
method (str) – Threshold method. Single choice from: ‘manual’, ‘isodata’, ‘li’, ‘mean’, ‘minimum’, ‘otsu’, ‘triangle’, ‘yen’. Default: ‘manual’.
bins (int) – Number of bins. Integer higher than 1. Default: 256.
value (float) – Threshold value. Default: 0.0.
operation (str) – Single choice from: ‘>’, ‘<’. Default: ‘>’.
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.threshold.compute_threshold(src: ImageObj, p: ThresholdParam) ImageObj [source]#
Compute the threshold, using one of the available algorithms:
Manual: a fixed threshold value
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.threshold.compute_threshold_isodata(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute the threshold using the Isodata algorithm with default parameters, see
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.threshold.compute_threshold_li(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute the threshold using the Li algorithm with default parameters, see
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.threshold.compute_threshold_mean(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute the threshold using the Mean algorithm, see
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.threshold.compute_threshold_minimum(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute the threshold using the Minimum algorithm with default parameters, see
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.threshold.compute_threshold_otsu(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute the threshold using the Otsu algorithm with default parameters, see
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.threshold.compute_threshold_triangle(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute the threshold using the Triangle algorithm with default parameters, see
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.threshold.compute_threshold_yen(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute the threshold using the Yen algorithm with default parameters, see
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
Exposure correction features#
Exposure computation module#
- class cdl.computation.image.exposure.AdjustGammaParam[source]#
Gamma adjustment parameters
- gamma#
Gamma correction factor (higher values give more contrast). Float higher than 0.0. Default: 1.0.
- gain#
Gain factor (higher values give more contrast). Float higher than 0.0. Default: 1.0.
- classmethod create(gamma: float, gain: float) cdl.computation.image.exposure.AdjustGammaParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.exposure.compute_adjust_gamma(src: ImageObj, p: AdjustGammaParam) ImageObj [source]#
Gamma correction with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- class cdl.computation.image.exposure.AdjustLogParam[source]#
Logarithmic adjustment parameters
- gain#
Gain factor (higher values give more contrast). Float higher than 0.0. Default: 1.0.
- inv#
If true, apply inverse logarithmic transformation. Default: False.
- classmethod create(gain: float, inv: bool) cdl.computation.image.exposure.AdjustLogParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.exposure.compute_adjust_log(src: ImageObj, p: AdjustLogParam) ImageObj [source]#
Compute log correction with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- class cdl.computation.image.exposure.AdjustSigmoidParam[source]#
Sigmoid adjustment parameters
- cutoff#
Cutoff value (higher values give more contrast). Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 0.5.
- gain#
Gain factor (higher values give more contrast). Float higher than 0.0. Default: 10.0.
- inv#
If true, apply inverse sigmoid transformation. Default: False.
- classmethod create(cutoff: float, gain: float, inv: bool) cdl.computation.image.exposure.AdjustSigmoidParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.exposure.compute_adjust_sigmoid(src: ImageObj, p: AdjustSigmoidParam) ImageObj [source]#
Compute sigmoid correction with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- class cdl.computation.image.exposure.RescaleIntensityParam[source]#
Intensity rescaling parameters
- in_range#
Input range. Min and max intensity values of input image (‘image’ refers to input image min/max levels, ‘dtype’ refers to input image data type range). Single choice from: ‘image’, ‘dtype’, ‘float32’, ‘float64’, ‘complex128’, ‘uint8’, ‘int16’, ‘uint16’, ‘int32’. Default: ‘image’.
- out_range#
Output range. Min and max intensity values of output image (‘image’ refers to input image min/max levels, ‘dtype’ refers to input image data type range).. Single choice from: ‘image’, ‘dtype’, ‘float32’, ‘float64’, ‘complex128’, ‘uint8’, ‘int16’, ‘uint16’, ‘int32’. Default: ‘dtype’.
- classmethod create(in_range: str, out_range: str) cdl.computation.image.exposure.RescaleIntensityParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
in_range (str) – Input range. Min and max intensity values of input image (‘image’ refers to input image min/max levels, ‘dtype’ refers to input image data type range). Single choice from: ‘image’, ‘dtype’, ‘float32’, ‘float64’, ‘complex128’, ‘uint8’, ‘int16’, ‘uint16’, ‘int32’. Default: ‘image’.
out_range (str) – Output range. Min and max intensity values of output image (‘image’ refers to input image min/max levels, ‘dtype’ refers to input image data type range).. Single choice from: ‘image’, ‘dtype’, ‘float32’, ‘float64’, ‘complex128’, ‘uint8’, ‘int16’, ‘uint16’, ‘int32’. Default: ‘dtype’.
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.exposure.compute_rescale_intensity(src: ImageObj, p: RescaleIntensityParam) ImageObj [source]#
Rescale image intensity levels with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- class cdl.computation.image.exposure.EqualizeHistParam[source]#
Histogram equalization parameters
- nbins#
Number of bins. Number of bins for image histogram. Integer higher than 1. Default: 256.
- classmethod create(nbins: int) cdl.computation.image.exposure.EqualizeHistParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
nbins (int) – Number of bins. Number of bins for image histogram. Integer higher than 1. Default: 256.
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.exposure.compute_equalize_hist(src: ImageObj, p: EqualizeHistParam) ImageObj [source]#
Histogram equalization with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- class cdl.computation.image.exposure.EqualizeAdaptHistParam[source]#
Adaptive histogram equalization parameters
- nbins#
Number of bins. Number of bins for image histogram. Integer higher than 1. Default: 256.
- clip_limit#
Clipping limit. Clipping limit (higher values give more contrast). Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 0.01.
- classmethod create(nbins: int, clip_limit: float) cdl.computation.image.exposure.EqualizeAdaptHistParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.exposure.compute_equalize_adapthist(src: ImageObj, p: EqualizeAdaptHistParam) ImageObj [source]#
Adaptive histogram equalization with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
Restoration features#
Restoration computation module#
- class cdl.computation.image.restoration.DenoiseTVParam[source]#
Total Variation denoising parameters
- weight#
Denoising weight. The greater weight, the more denoising (at the expense of fidelity to input). Float higher than 0, non zero. Default: 0.1.
- eps#
Epsilon. Relative difference of the value of the cost function that determines the stop criterion. The algorithm stops when: (e_(n-1) - e_n) < eps * e_0. Float higher than 0, non zero. Default: 0.0002.
- max_num_iter#
Max. iterations. Maximal number of iterations used for the optimization. Integer higher than 0, non zero. Default: 200.
- classmethod create(weight: float, eps: float, max_num_iter: int) cdl.computation.image.restoration.DenoiseTVParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
weight (float) – Denoising weight. The greater weight, the more denoising (at the expense of fidelity to input). Float higher than 0, non zero. Default: 0.1.
eps (float) – Epsilon. Relative difference of the value of the cost function that determines the stop criterion. The algorithm stops when: (e_(n-1) - e_n) < eps * e_0. Float higher than 0, non zero. Default: 0.0002.
max_num_iter (int) – Max. iterations. Maximal number of iterations used for the optimization. Integer higher than 0, non zero. Default: 200.
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.restoration.compute_denoise_tv(src: ImageObj, p: DenoiseTVParam) ImageObj [source]#
Compute Total Variation denoising with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- class cdl.computation.image.restoration.DenoiseBilateralParam[source]#
Bilateral filter denoising parameters
- sigma_spatial#
σspatial. Standard deviation for range distance. A larger value results in averaging of pixels with larger spatial differences. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: pixels. Default: 1.0.
- mode#
Single choice from: ‘constant’, ‘edge’, ‘symmetric’, ‘reflect’, ‘wrap’. Default: ‘constant’.
- cval#
Used in conjunction with mode ‘constant’, the value outside the image boundaries. Default: 0.
- classmethod create(sigma_spatial: float, mode: str, cval: float) cdl.computation.image.restoration.DenoiseBilateralParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
sigma_spatial (float) – σspatial. Standard deviation for range distance. A larger value results in averaging of pixels with larger spatial differences. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: pixels. Default: 1.0.
mode (str) – Single choice from: ‘constant’, ‘edge’, ‘symmetric’, ‘reflect’, ‘wrap’. Default: ‘constant’.
cval (float) – Used in conjunction with mode ‘constant’, the value outside the image boundaries. Default: 0.
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.restoration.compute_denoise_bilateral(src: ImageObj, p: DenoiseBilateralParam) ImageObj [source]#
Compute bilateral filter denoising with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- class cdl.computation.image.restoration.DenoiseWaveletParam[source]#
Wavelet denoising parameters
- wavelet#
Single choice from: ‘bior1.1’, ‘bior1.3’, ‘bior1.5’, ‘bior2.2’, ‘bior2.4’, ‘bior2.6’, ‘bior2.8’, ‘bior3.1’, ‘bior3.3’, ‘bior3.5’, ‘bior3.7’, ‘bior3.9’, ‘bior4.4’, ‘bior5.5’, ‘bior6.8’, ‘cgau1’, ‘cgau2’, ‘cgau3’, ‘cgau4’, ‘cgau5’, ‘cgau6’, ‘cgau7’, ‘cgau8’, ‘cmor’, ‘coif1’, ‘coif2’, ‘coif3’, ‘coif4’, ‘coif5’, ‘coif6’, ‘coif7’, ‘coif8’, ‘coif9’, ‘coif10’, ‘coif11’, ‘coif12’, ‘coif13’, ‘coif14’, ‘coif15’, ‘coif16’, ‘coif17’, ‘db1’, ‘db2’, ‘db3’, ‘db4’, ‘db5’, ‘db6’, ‘db7’, ‘db8’, ‘db9’, ‘db10’, ‘db11’, ‘db12’, ‘db13’, ‘db14’, ‘db15’, ‘db16’, ‘db17’, ‘db18’, ‘db19’, ‘db20’, ‘db21’, ‘db22’, ‘db23’, ‘db24’, ‘db25’, ‘db26’, ‘db27’, ‘db28’, ‘db29’, ‘db30’, ‘db31’, ‘db32’, ‘db33’, ‘db34’, ‘db35’, ‘db36’, ‘db37’, ‘db38’, ‘dmey’, ‘fbsp’, ‘gaus1’, ‘gaus2’, ‘gaus3’, ‘gaus4’, ‘gaus5’, ‘gaus6’, ‘gaus7’, ‘gaus8’, ‘haar’, ‘mexh’, ‘morl’, ‘rbio1.1’, ‘rbio1.3’, ‘rbio1.5’, ‘rbio2.2’, ‘rbio2.4’, ‘rbio2.6’, ‘rbio2.8’, ‘rbio3.1’, ‘rbio3.3’, ‘rbio3.5’, ‘rbio3.7’, ‘rbio3.9’, ‘rbio4.4’, ‘rbio5.5’, ‘rbio6.8’, ‘shan’, ‘sym2’, ‘sym3’, ‘sym4’, ‘sym5’, ‘sym6’, ‘sym7’, ‘sym8’, ‘sym9’, ‘sym10’, ‘sym11’, ‘sym12’, ‘sym13’, ‘sym14’, ‘sym15’, ‘sym16’, ‘sym17’, ‘sym18’, ‘sym19’, ‘sym20’. Default: ‘sym9’.
- mode#
Single choice from: ‘soft’, ‘hard’. Default: ‘soft’.
- method#
Single choice from: ‘BayesShrink’, ‘VisuShrink’. Default: ‘VisuShrink’.
- classmethod create(wavelet: str, mode: str, method: str) cdl.computation.image.restoration.DenoiseWaveletParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
wavelet (str) – Single choice from: ‘bior1.1’, ‘bior1.3’, ‘bior1.5’, ‘bior2.2’, ‘bior2.4’, ‘bior2.6’, ‘bior2.8’, ‘bior3.1’, ‘bior3.3’, ‘bior3.5’, ‘bior3.7’, ‘bior3.9’, ‘bior4.4’, ‘bior5.5’, ‘bior6.8’, ‘cgau1’, ‘cgau2’, ‘cgau3’, ‘cgau4’, ‘cgau5’, ‘cgau6’, ‘cgau7’, ‘cgau8’, ‘cmor’, ‘coif1’, ‘coif2’, ‘coif3’, ‘coif4’, ‘coif5’, ‘coif6’, ‘coif7’, ‘coif8’, ‘coif9’, ‘coif10’, ‘coif11’, ‘coif12’, ‘coif13’, ‘coif14’, ‘coif15’, ‘coif16’, ‘coif17’, ‘db1’, ‘db2’, ‘db3’, ‘db4’, ‘db5’, ‘db6’, ‘db7’, ‘db8’, ‘db9’, ‘db10’, ‘db11’, ‘db12’, ‘db13’, ‘db14’, ‘db15’, ‘db16’, ‘db17’, ‘db18’, ‘db19’, ‘db20’, ‘db21’, ‘db22’, ‘db23’, ‘db24’, ‘db25’, ‘db26’, ‘db27’, ‘db28’, ‘db29’, ‘db30’, ‘db31’, ‘db32’, ‘db33’, ‘db34’, ‘db35’, ‘db36’, ‘db37’, ‘db38’, ‘dmey’, ‘fbsp’, ‘gaus1’, ‘gaus2’, ‘gaus3’, ‘gaus4’, ‘gaus5’, ‘gaus6’, ‘gaus7’, ‘gaus8’, ‘haar’, ‘mexh’, ‘morl’, ‘rbio1.1’, ‘rbio1.3’, ‘rbio1.5’, ‘rbio2.2’, ‘rbio2.4’, ‘rbio2.6’, ‘rbio2.8’, ‘rbio3.1’, ‘rbio3.3’, ‘rbio3.5’, ‘rbio3.7’, ‘rbio3.9’, ‘rbio4.4’, ‘rbio5.5’, ‘rbio6.8’, ‘shan’, ‘sym2’, ‘sym3’, ‘sym4’, ‘sym5’, ‘sym6’, ‘sym7’, ‘sym8’, ‘sym9’, ‘sym10’, ‘sym11’, ‘sym12’, ‘sym13’, ‘sym14’, ‘sym15’, ‘sym16’, ‘sym17’, ‘sym18’, ‘sym19’, ‘sym20’. Default: ‘sym9’.
mode (str) – Single choice from: ‘soft’, ‘hard’. Default: ‘soft’.
method (str) – Single choice from: ‘BayesShrink’, ‘VisuShrink’. Default: ‘VisuShrink’.
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.restoration.compute_denoise_wavelet(src: ImageObj, p: DenoiseWaveletParam) ImageObj [source]#
Compute Wavelet denoising with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.restoration.compute_denoise_tophat(src: ImageObj, p: MorphologyParam) ImageObj [source]#
Denoise using White Top-Hat with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
Morphological features#
Morphology computation module#
- class cdl.computation.image.morphology.MorphologyParam[source]#
White Top-Hat parameters
- radius#
Footprint (disk) radius. Integer higher than 1. Default: 1.
- classmethod create(radius: int) cdl.computation.image.morphology.MorphologyParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
radius (int) – Footprint (disk) radius. Integer higher than 1. Default: 1.
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.morphology.compute_white_tophat(src: ImageObj, p: MorphologyParam) ImageObj [source]#
Compute White Top-Hat with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.morphology.compute_black_tophat(src: ImageObj, p: MorphologyParam) ImageObj [source]#
Compute Black Top-Hat with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.morphology.compute_erosion(src: ImageObj, p: MorphologyParam) ImageObj [source]#
Compute Erosion with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.morphology.compute_dilation(src: ImageObj, p: MorphologyParam) ImageObj [source]#
Compute Dilation with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.morphology.compute_opening(src: ImageObj, p: MorphologyParam) ImageObj [source]#
Compute morphological opening with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.morphology.compute_closing(src: ImageObj, p: MorphologyParam) ImageObj [source]#
Compute morphological closing with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
Edge detection features#
Edges computation module#
- class cdl.computation.image.edges.CannyParam[source]#
Canny filter parameters
- sigma#
Standard deviation of the gaussian filter. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: pixels. Default: 1.0.
- low_threshold#
Lower bound for hysteresis thresholding (linking edges). Float higher than 0. Default: 0.1.
- high_threshold#
Upper bound for hysteresis thresholding (linking edges). Float higher than 0. Default: 0.9.
- use_quantiles#
If true then treat low_threshold and high_threshold as quantiles of the edge magnitude image, rather than absolute edge magnitude values. If true then the thresholds must be in the range [0, 1]. Default: True.
- mode#
Single choice from: ‘reflect’, ‘constant’, ‘nearest’, ‘mirror’, ‘wrap’. Default: ‘constant’.
- cval#
Value to fill past edges of input if mode is constant. Default: 0.0.
- classmethod create(sigma: float, low_threshold: float, high_threshold: float, use_quantiles: bool, mode: str, cval: float) cdl.computation.image.edges.CannyParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
sigma (float) – Standard deviation of the gaussian filter. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: pixels. Default: 1.0.
low_threshold (float) – Lower bound for hysteresis thresholding (linking edges). Float higher than 0. Default: 0.1.
high_threshold (float) – Upper bound for hysteresis thresholding (linking edges). Float higher than 0. Default: 0.9.
use_quantiles (bool) – If true then treat low_threshold and high_threshold as quantiles of the edge magnitude image, rather than absolute edge magnitude values. If true then the thresholds must be in the range [0, 1]. Default: True.
mode (str) – Single choice from: ‘reflect’, ‘constant’, ‘nearest’, ‘mirror’, ‘wrap’. Default: ‘constant’.
cval (float) – Value to fill past edges of input if mode is constant. Default: 0.0.
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.edges.compute_canny(src: ImageObj, p: CannyParam) ImageObj [source]#
Compute Canny filter with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
p – parameters
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.edges.compute_roberts(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute Roberts filter with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.edges.compute_prewitt(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute Prewitt filter with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.edges.compute_prewitt_h(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute horizontal Prewitt filter with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.edges.compute_prewitt_v(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute vertical Prewitt filter with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.edges.compute_sobel(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute Sobel filter with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.edges.compute_sobel_h(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute horizontal Sobel filter with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.edges.compute_sobel_v(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute vertical Sobel filter with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.edges.compute_scharr(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute Scharr filter with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.edges.compute_scharr_h(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute horizontal Scharr filter with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.edges.compute_scharr_v(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute vertical Scharr filter with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.edges.compute_farid(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute Farid filter with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.edges.compute_farid_h(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute horizontal Farid filter with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.edges.compute_farid_v(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute vertical Farid filter with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
- cdl.computation.image.edges.compute_laplace(src: ImageObj) ImageObj [source]#
Compute Laplace filter with
- Parameters:
src – input image object
- Returns:
Output image object
Detection features#
Blob detection computation module#
- class cdl.computation.image.detection.GenericDetectionParam[source]#
Generic detection parameters
- threshold#
Relative threshold. Detection threshold, relative to difference between data maximum and minimum. Float between 0.1 and 0.9. Default: 0.5.
- classmethod create(threshold: float) cdl.computation.image.detection.GenericDetectionParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
threshold (float) – Relative threshold. Detection threshold, relative to difference between data maximum and minimum. Float between 0.1 and 0.9. Default: 0.5.
- Returns:
New instance of
- class cdl.computation.image.detection.Peak2DDetectionParam[source]#
Peak detection parameters
- threshold#
Relative threshold. Detection threshold, relative to difference between data maximum and minimum. Float between 0.1 and 0.9. Default: 0.5.
- size#
Neighborhoods size. Size of the sliding window used in maximum/minimum filtering algorithm. Integer higher than 1, unit: pixels. Default: 10.
- create_rois#
Default: True.
- classmethod create(threshold: float, size: int, create_rois: bool) cdl.computation.image.detection.Peak2DDetectionParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
threshold (float) – Relative threshold. Detection threshold, relative to difference between data maximum and minimum. Float between 0.1 and 0.9. Default: 0.5.
size (int) – Neighborhoods size. Size of the sliding window used in maximum/minimum filtering algorithm. Integer higher than 1, unit: pixels. Default: 10.
create_rois (bool) – Default: True.
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.detection.compute_peak_detection(image: ImageObj, p: Peak2DDetectionParam) ResultShape | None [source]#
Compute 2D peak detection with
- Parameters:
imageOutput – input image
p – parameters
- Returns:
Peak coordinates
- class cdl.computation.image.detection.ContourShapeParam[source]#
Contour shape parameters
- threshold#
Relative threshold. Detection threshold, relative to difference between data maximum and minimum. Float between 0.1 and 0.9. Default: 0.5.
- shape#
Single choice from: ‘ellipse’, ‘circle’, ‘polygon’. Default: ‘ellipse’.
- classmethod create(threshold: float, shape: str) cdl.computation.image.detection.ContourShapeParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.detection.compute_contour_shape(image: ImageObj, p: ContourShapeParam) ResultShape | None [source]#
Compute contour shape fit with
- class cdl.computation.image.detection.BaseBlobParam[source]#
Base class for blob detection parameters
- min_sigma#
σmin. The minimum standard deviation for gaussian kernel. Keep this low to detect smaller blobs. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: pixels. Default: 1.0.
- max_sigma#
σmax. The maximum standard deviation for gaussian kernel. Keep this high to detect larger blobs. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: pixels. Default: 30.0.
- threshold_rel#
Relative threshold. Minimum intensity of blobs. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 0.2.
- overlap#
If two blobs overlap by a fraction greater than this value, the smaller blob is eliminated. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 0.5.
- classmethod create(min_sigma: float, max_sigma: float, threshold_rel: float, overlap: float) cdl.computation.image.detection.BaseBlobParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
min_sigma (float) – σmin. The minimum standard deviation for gaussian kernel. Keep this low to detect smaller blobs. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: pixels. Default: 1.0.
max_sigma (float) – σmax. The maximum standard deviation for gaussian kernel. Keep this high to detect larger blobs. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: pixels. Default: 30.0.
threshold_rel (float) – Relative threshold. Minimum intensity of blobs. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 0.2.
overlap (float) – If two blobs overlap by a fraction greater than this value, the smaller blob is eliminated. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 0.5.
- Returns:
New instance of
- class cdl.computation.image.detection.BlobDOGParam[source]#
Blob detection using Difference of Gaussian method
- min_sigma#
σmin. The minimum standard deviation for gaussian kernel. Keep this low to detect smaller blobs. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: pixels. Default: 1.0.
- max_sigma#
σmax. The maximum standard deviation for gaussian kernel. Keep this high to detect larger blobs. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: pixels. Default: 30.0.
- threshold_rel#
Relative threshold. Minimum intensity of blobs. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 0.2.
- overlap#
If two blobs overlap by a fraction greater than this value, the smaller blob is eliminated. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 0.5.
- exclude_border#
If true, exclude blobs from the border of the image. Default: True.
- classmethod create(min_sigma: float, max_sigma: float, threshold_rel: float, overlap: float, exclude_border: bool) cdl.computation.image.detection.BlobDOGParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
min_sigma (float) – σmin. The minimum standard deviation for gaussian kernel. Keep this low to detect smaller blobs. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: pixels. Default: 1.0.
max_sigma (float) – σmax. The maximum standard deviation for gaussian kernel. Keep this high to detect larger blobs. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: pixels. Default: 30.0.
threshold_rel (float) – Relative threshold. Minimum intensity of blobs. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 0.2.
overlap (float) – If two blobs overlap by a fraction greater than this value, the smaller blob is eliminated. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 0.5.
exclude_border (bool) – If true, exclude blobs from the border of the image. Default: True.
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.detection.compute_blob_dog(image: ImageObj, p: BlobDOGParam) ResultShape | None [source]#
Compute blobs using Difference of Gaussian method with
- Parameters:
imageOutput – input image
p – parameters
- Returns:
Blobs coordinates
- class cdl.computation.image.detection.BlobDOHParam[source]#
Blob detection using Determinant of Hessian method
- min_sigma#
σmin. The minimum standard deviation for gaussian kernel. Keep this low to detect smaller blobs. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: pixels. Default: 1.0.
- max_sigma#
σmax. The maximum standard deviation for gaussian kernel. Keep this high to detect larger blobs. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: pixels. Default: 30.0.
- threshold_rel#
Relative threshold. Minimum intensity of blobs. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 0.2.
- overlap#
If two blobs overlap by a fraction greater than this value, the smaller blob is eliminated. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 0.5.
- log_scale#
If set intermediate values of standard deviations are interpolated using a logarithmic scale to the base 10. If not, linear interpolation is used. Default: False.
- classmethod create(min_sigma: float, max_sigma: float, threshold_rel: float, overlap: float, log_scale: bool) cdl.computation.image.detection.BlobDOHParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
min_sigma (float) – σmin. The minimum standard deviation for gaussian kernel. Keep this low to detect smaller blobs. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: pixels. Default: 1.0.
max_sigma (float) – σmax. The maximum standard deviation for gaussian kernel. Keep this high to detect larger blobs. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: pixels. Default: 30.0.
threshold_rel (float) – Relative threshold. Minimum intensity of blobs. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 0.2.
overlap (float) – If two blobs overlap by a fraction greater than this value, the smaller blob is eliminated. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 0.5.
log_scale (bool) – If set intermediate values of standard deviations are interpolated using a logarithmic scale to the base 10. If not, linear interpolation is used. Default: False.
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.detection.compute_blob_doh(image: ImageObj, p: BlobDOHParam) ResultShape | None [source]#
Compute blobs using Determinant of Hessian method with
- Parameters:
imageOutput – input image
p – parameters
- Returns:
Blobs coordinates
- class cdl.computation.image.detection.BlobLOGParam[source]#
Blob detection using Laplacian of Gaussian method
- min_sigma#
σmin. The minimum standard deviation for gaussian kernel. Keep this low to detect smaller blobs. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: pixels. Default: 1.0.
- max_sigma#
σmax. The maximum standard deviation for gaussian kernel. Keep this high to detect larger blobs. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: pixels. Default: 30.0.
- threshold_rel#
Relative threshold. Minimum intensity of blobs. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 0.2.
- overlap#
If two blobs overlap by a fraction greater than this value, the smaller blob is eliminated. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 0.5.
- log_scale#
If set intermediate values of standard deviations are interpolated using a logarithmic scale to the base 10. If not, linear interpolation is used. Default: False.
- exclude_border#
If true, exclude blobs from the border of the image. Default: True.
- classmethod create(min_sigma: float, max_sigma: float, threshold_rel: float, overlap: float, log_scale: bool, exclude_border: bool) cdl.computation.image.detection.BlobLOGParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
min_sigma (float) – σmin. The minimum standard deviation for gaussian kernel. Keep this low to detect smaller blobs. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: pixels. Default: 1.0.
max_sigma (float) – σmax. The maximum standard deviation for gaussian kernel. Keep this high to detect larger blobs. Float higher than 0, non zero, unit: pixels. Default: 30.0.
threshold_rel (float) – Relative threshold. Minimum intensity of blobs. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 0.2.
overlap (float) – If two blobs overlap by a fraction greater than this value, the smaller blob is eliminated. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 0.5.
log_scale (bool) – If set intermediate values of standard deviations are interpolated using a logarithmic scale to the base 10. If not, linear interpolation is used. Default: False.
exclude_border (bool) – If true, exclude blobs from the border of the image. Default: True.
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.detection.compute_blob_log(image: ImageObj, p: BlobLOGParam) ResultShape | None [source]#
Compute blobs using Laplacian of Gaussian method with
- Parameters:
imageOutput – input image
p – parameters
- Returns:
Blobs coordinates
- class cdl.computation.image.detection.BlobOpenCVParam[source]#
Blob detection using OpenCV
- min_threshold#
Min. threshold. The minimum threshold between local maxima and minima. This parameter does not affect the quality of the blobs, only the quantity. Lower thresholds result in larger numbers of blobs. Float higher than 0.0. Default: 10.0.
- max_threshold#
Max. threshold. The maximum threshold between local maxima and minima. This parameter does not affect the quality of the blobs, only the quantity. Lower thresholds result in larger numbers of blobs. Float higher than 0.0. Default: 200.0.
- min_repeatability#
Min. repeatability. The minimum number of times a blob needs to be detected in a sequence of images to be considered valid. Integer higher than 1. Default: 2.
- min_dist_between_blobs#
Min. distance between blobs. The minimum distance between two blobs. If blobs are found closer together than this distance, the smaller blob is removed. Float higher than 0.0, non zero. Default: 10.0.
- filter_by_color#
If true, the image is filtered by color instead of intensity. Default: True.
- blob_color#
The color of the blobs to detect (0 for dark blobs, 255 for light blobs). Default: 0.
- filter_by_area#
If true, the image is filtered by blob area. Default: True.
- min_area#
Min. area. The minimum blob area. Float higher than 0.0. Default: 25.0.
- max_area#
Max. area. The maximum blob area. Float higher than 0.0. Default: 500.0.
- filter_by_circularity#
If true, the image is filtered by blob circularity. Default: False.
- min_circularity#
Min. circularity. The minimum circularity of the blobs. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 0.8.
- max_circularity#
Max. circularity. The maximum circularity of the blobs. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 1.0.
- filter_by_inertia#
If true, the image is filtered by blob inertia. Default: False.
- min_inertia_ratio#
Min. inertia ratio. The minimum inertia ratio of the blobs. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 0.6.
- max_inertia_ratio#
Max. inertia ratio. The maximum inertia ratio of the blobs. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 1.0.
- filter_by_convexity#
If true, the image is filtered by blob convexity. Default: False.
- min_convexity#
Min. convexity. The minimum convexity of the blobs. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 0.8.
- max_convexity#
Max. convexity. The maximum convexity of the blobs. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 1.0.
- classmethod create(min_threshold: float, max_threshold: float, min_repeatability: int, min_dist_between_blobs: float, filter_by_color: bool, blob_color: int, filter_by_area: bool, min_area: float, max_area: float, filter_by_circularity: bool, min_circularity: float, max_circularity: float, filter_by_inertia: bool, min_inertia_ratio: float, max_inertia_ratio: float, filter_by_convexity: bool, min_convexity: float, max_convexity: float) cdl.computation.image.detection.BlobOpenCVParam #
Returns a new instance of
with the fields set to the given values.- Parameters:
min_threshold (float) – Min. threshold. The minimum threshold between local maxima and minima. This parameter does not affect the quality of the blobs, only the quantity. Lower thresholds result in larger numbers of blobs. Float higher than 0.0. Default: 10.0.
max_threshold (float) – Max. threshold. The maximum threshold between local maxima and minima. This parameter does not affect the quality of the blobs, only the quantity. Lower thresholds result in larger numbers of blobs. Float higher than 0.0. Default: 200.0.
min_repeatability (int) – Min. repeatability. The minimum number of times a blob needs to be detected in a sequence of images to be considered valid. Integer higher than 1. Default: 2.
min_dist_between_blobs (float) – Min. distance between blobs. The minimum distance between two blobs. If blobs are found closer together than this distance, the smaller blob is removed. Float higher than 0.0, non zero. Default: 10.0.
filter_by_color (bool) – If true, the image is filtered by color instead of intensity. Default: True.
blob_color (int) – The color of the blobs to detect (0 for dark blobs, 255 for light blobs). Default: 0.
filter_by_area (bool) – If true, the image is filtered by blob area. Default: True.
min_area (float) – Min. area. The minimum blob area. Float higher than 0.0. Default: 25.0.
max_area (float) – Max. area. The maximum blob area. Float higher than 0.0. Default: 500.0.
filter_by_circularity (bool) – If true, the image is filtered by blob circularity. Default: False.
min_circularity (float) – Min. circularity. The minimum circularity of the blobs. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 0.8.
max_circularity (float) – Max. circularity. The maximum circularity of the blobs. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 1.0.
filter_by_inertia (bool) – If true, the image is filtered by blob inertia. Default: False.
min_inertia_ratio (float) – Min. inertia ratio. The minimum inertia ratio of the blobs. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 0.6.
max_inertia_ratio (float) – Max. inertia ratio. The maximum inertia ratio of the blobs. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 1.0.
filter_by_convexity (bool) – If true, the image is filtered by blob convexity. Default: False.
min_convexity (float) – Min. convexity. The minimum convexity of the blobs. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 0.8.
max_convexity (float) – Max. convexity. The maximum convexity of the blobs. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 1.0.
- Returns:
New instance of
- cdl.computation.image.detection.compute_blob_opencv(image: ImageObj, p: BlobOpenCVParam) ResultShape | None [source]#
Compute blobs using OpenCV with
- Parameters:
imageOutput – input image
p – parameters
- Returns:
Blobs coordinates