Source code for cdl.computation.base

# Copyright (c) DataLab Platform Developers, BSD 3-Clause license, see LICENSE file.

.. Common computation objects (see parent package :mod:`cdl.computation`)

# pylint: disable=invalid-name  # Allows short reference names like x, y, ...

# Note:
# ----
# All dataset classes must also be imported in the cdl.computation.param module.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import guidata.dataset as gds
import numpy as np

from cdl.config import _
from cdl.obj import ResultProperties, create_signal

    from typing import Callable

    from cdl.obj import ImageObj, SignalObj

[docs] class ArithmeticParam(gds.DataSet): """Arithmetic parameters"""
[docs] def get_operation(self) -> str: """Return the operation string""" o, a, b = self.operator, self.factor, self.constant b_added = False if a == 0.0: if o in ("+", "-"): txt = "obj3 = obj1" elif b == 0.0: txt = "obj3 = 0" else: txt = f"obj3 = {b}" b_added = True elif a == 1.0: txt = f"obj3 = obj1 {o} obj2" else: txt = f"obj3 = (obj1 {o} obj2) × {a}" if b != 0.0 and not b_added: txt += f" + {b}" return txt
[docs] def update_operation(self, _item, _value): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Update the operation item""" self.operation = self.get_operation()
operators = ("+", "-", "×", "/") operator = gds.ChoiceItem(_("Operator"), list(zip(operators, operators))).set_prop( "display", callback=update_operation ) factor = ( gds.FloatItem(_("Factor"), default=1.0) .set_pos(col=1) .set_prop("display", callback=update_operation) ) constant = ( gds.FloatItem(_("Constant"), default=0.0) .set_pos(col=1) .set_prop("display", callback=update_operation) ) operation = gds.StringItem(_("Operation"), default="").set_prop( "display", active=False ) restore_dtype = gds.BoolItem( _("Convert to `obj1` data type"), label=_("Result"), default=True )
[docs] class GaussianParam(gds.DataSet): """Gaussian filter parameters""" sigma = gds.FloatItem("σ", default=1.0)
HELP_MODE = _("""Mode of the filter: - 'reflect': Reflect the data at the boundary - 'constant': Pad with a constant value - 'nearest': Pad with the nearest value - 'mirror': Reflect the data at the boundary with the data itself - 'wrap': Circular boundary""")
[docs] class MovingAverageParam(gds.DataSet): """Moving average parameters""" n = gds.IntItem(_("Size of the moving window"), default=3, min=1) modes = ("reflect", "constant", "nearest", "mirror", "wrap") mode = gds.ChoiceItem( _("Mode"), list(zip(modes, modes)), default="reflect", help=HELP_MODE )
[docs] class MovingMedianParam(gds.DataSet): """Moving median parameters""" n = gds.IntItem(_("Size of the moving window"), default=3, min=1, even=False) modes = ("reflect", "constant", "nearest", "mirror", "wrap") mode = gds.ChoiceItem( _("Mode"), list(zip(modes, modes)), default="nearest", help=HELP_MODE )
[docs] class ClipParam(gds.DataSet): """Data clipping parameters""" lower = gds.FloatItem(_("Lower clipping value"), check=False) upper = gds.FloatItem(_("Upper clipping value"), check=False)
[docs] class NormalizeParam(gds.DataSet): """Normalize parameters""" methods = ( ("maximum", _("Maximum")), ("amplitude", _("Amplitude")), ("area", _("Area")), ("energy", _("Energy")), ("rms", _("RMS")), ) method = gds.ChoiceItem(_("Normalize with respect to"), methods)
[docs] class HistogramParam(gds.DataSet): """Histogram parameters"""
[docs] def get_suffix(self, data: np.ndarray) -> str: """Return suffix for the histogram computation Args: data: data array """ suffix = f"bins={self.bins:d}" if self.lower is not None: suffix += f", ymin={self.lower:.3f}" else: self.lower = np.min(data) if self.upper is not None: suffix += f", ymax={self.upper:.3f}" else: self.upper = np.max(data)
bins = gds.IntItem(_("Number of bins"), default=256, min=1) lower = gds.FloatItem(_("Lower limit"), default=None, check=False) upper = gds.FloatItem(_("Upper limit"), default=None, check=False)
[docs] class ROIDataParam(gds.DataSet): """ROI Editor data""" roidata = gds.FloatArrayItem( _("ROI data"), help=_( "For convenience, this item accepts a 2D NumPy array, a list of list " "of numbers, or None. In the end, the data is converted to a 2D NumPy " "array of integers (if not None)." ), ) singleobj = gds.BoolItem( _("Single object"), help=_("Whether to extract the ROI as a single object or not."), ) @property def is_empty(self) -> bool: """Return True if there is no ROI""" return self.roidata is None or np.array(self.roidata).size == 0
[docs] class FFTParam(gds.DataSet): """FFT parameters""" shift = gds.BoolItem(_("Shift"), help=_("Shift zero frequency to center"))
[docs] class SpectrumParam(gds.DataSet): """Spectrum parameters""" log = gds.BoolItem(_("Logarithmic scale"), default=False)
[docs] class ConstantParam(gds.DataSet): """Parameter used to set a constant value to used in operations""" value = gds.FloatItem(_("Constant value"))
# MARK: Helper functions for creating result objects -----------------------------------
[docs] def dst_11( src: SignalObj | ImageObj, name: str, suffix: str | None = None ) -> SignalObj | ImageObj: """Create a result object, as returned by the callback function of the :func:`cdl.core.gui.processor.base.BaseProcessor.compute_11` method Args: src: source signal or image object name: name of the function. If provided, the title of the result object will be `{name}({src.short_id})|{suffix})`, unless the name is a single character, in which case the title will be `{src.short_id}{name}{suffix}` where `name` is an operator and `suffix` is the other term of the operation. suffix: suffix to add to the title. Optional. Returns: Result signal or image object """ if len(name) == 1: # This is an operator title = f"{src.short_id}{name}" else: title = f"{name}({src.short_id})" if suffix: # suffix may be None or an empty string title += "|" if suffix: # suffix may be None or an empty string title += suffix return src.copy(title=title)
[docs] def dst_n1n( src1: SignalObj | ImageObj, src2: SignalObj | ImageObj, name: str, suffix: str | None = None, ) -> SignalObj | ImageObj: """Create a result object, as returned by the callback function of the :func:`cdl.core.gui.processor.base.BaseProcessor.compute_n1n` method Args: src1: input signal or image object src2: input signal or image object name: name of the processing function Returns: Output signal or image object """ if len(name) == 1: # This is an operator title = f"{src1.short_id}{name}{src2.short_id}" else: title = f"{name}({src1.short_id}, {src2.short_id})" if suffix is not None: title += "|" + suffix return src1.copy(title=title)
[docs] def new_signal_result( src: SignalObj | ImageObj, name: str, suffix: str | None = None, units: tuple[str, str] | None = None, labels: tuple[str, str] | None = None, ) -> SignalObj: """Create new signal object as a result of a compute_11 function As opposed to the `dst_11` functions, this function creates a new signal object without copying the original object metadata, except for the "source" entry. Args: src: input signal or image object name: name of the processing function suffix: suffix to add to the title units: units of the output signal labels: labels of the output signal Returns: Output signal object """ title = f"{name}({src.short_id})" dst = create_signal(title=title, units=units, labels=labels) if suffix is not None: dst.title += "|" + suffix if "source" in src.metadata: dst.metadata["source"] = src.metadata["source"] # Keep track of the source return dst
[docs] def calc_resultproperties( title: str, obj: SignalObj | ImageObj, labeledfuncs: dict[str, Callable] ) -> ResultProperties: """Calculate result properties by executing a computation function on a signal/image object. Args: title: title of the result properties obj: signal or image object labeledfuncs: dictionary of labeled computation functions. The keys are the labels of the computation functions and the values are the functions themselves (each function must take a single argument - which is the data of the ROI or the whole signal/image - and return a float) Returns: Result properties object """ if not all(isinstance(k, str) for k in labeledfuncs.keys()): raise ValueError("Keys of labeledfuncs must be strings") if not all(callable(v) for v in labeledfuncs.values()): raise ValueError("Values of labeledfuncs must be functions") res = [] roi_nb = 0 if obj.roi is None else obj.roi.shape[0] for i_roi in [None] + list(range(roi_nb)): data_roi = obj.get_data(i_roi) val_roi = -1 if i_roi is None else i_roi res.append([val_roi] + [fn(data_roi) for fn in labeledfuncs.values()]) return ResultProperties(title, np.array(res), list(labeledfuncs.keys()))