Source code for cdl.computation.image.edges

# Copyright (c) DataLab Platform Developers, BSD 3-Clause license, see LICENSE file.

Edges computation module


# pylint: disable=invalid-name  # Allows short reference names like x, y, ...

# Note:
# ----
# All dataset classes must also be imported in the cdl.computation.param module.

from __future__ import annotations

import guidata.dataset as gds
import skimage
from skimage import feature, filters

from cdl.computation.image import Wrap11Func, dst_11, restore_data_outside_roi
from cdl.config import _
from cdl.obj import ImageObj

[docs] class CannyParam(gds.DataSet): """Canny filter parameters""" sigma = gds.FloatItem( "Sigma", default=1.0, unit="pixels", min=0, nonzero=True, help=_("Standard deviation of the Gaussian filter."), ) low_threshold = gds.FloatItem( _("Low threshold"), default=0.1, min=0, help=_("Lower bound for hysteresis thresholding (linking edges)."), ) high_threshold = gds.FloatItem( _("High threshold"), default=0.9, min=0, help=_("Upper bound for hysteresis thresholding (linking edges)."), ) use_quantiles = gds.BoolItem( _("Use quantiles"), default=True, help=_( "If True then treat low_threshold and high_threshold as quantiles " "of the edge magnitude image, rather than absolute edge magnitude " "values. If True then the thresholds must be in the range [0, 1]." ), ) modes = ("reflect", "constant", "nearest", "mirror", "wrap") mode = gds.ChoiceItem(_("Mode"), list(zip(modes, modes)), default="constant") cval = gds.FloatItem( "cval", default=0.0, help=_("Value to fill past edges of input if mode is constant."), )
[docs] def compute_canny(src: ImageObj, p: CannyParam) -> ImageObj: """Compute Canny filter with :py:func:`skimage.feature.canny` Args: src: input image object p: parameters Returns: Output image object """ dst = dst_11( src, "canny", f"sigma={p.sigma}, low_threshold={p.low_threshold}, " f"high_threshold={p.high_threshold}, use_quantiles={p.use_quantiles}, " f"mode={p.mode}, cval={p.cval}", ) = skimage.util.img_as_ubyte( feature.canny(, sigma=p.sigma, low_threshold=p.low_threshold, high_threshold=p.high_threshold, use_quantiles=p.use_quantiles, mode=p.mode, cval=p.cval, ) ) restore_data_outside_roi(dst, src) return dst
[docs] def compute_roberts(src: ImageObj) -> ImageObj: """Compute Roberts filter with :py:func:`skimage.filters.roberts` Args: src: input image object Returns: Output image object """ return Wrap11Func(filters.roberts)(src)
[docs] def compute_prewitt(src: ImageObj) -> ImageObj: """Compute Prewitt filter with :py:func:`skimage.filters.prewitt` Args: src: input image object Returns: Output image object """ return Wrap11Func(filters.prewitt)(src)
[docs] def compute_prewitt_h(src: ImageObj) -> ImageObj: """Compute horizontal Prewitt filter with :py:func:`skimage.filters.prewitt_h` Args: src: input image object Returns: Output image object """ return Wrap11Func(filters.prewitt_h)(src)
[docs] def compute_prewitt_v(src: ImageObj) -> ImageObj: """Compute vertical Prewitt filter with :py:func:`skimage.filters.prewitt_v` Args: src: input image object Returns: Output image object """ return Wrap11Func(filters.prewitt_v)(src)
[docs] def compute_sobel(src: ImageObj) -> ImageObj: """Compute Sobel filter with :py:func:`skimage.filters.sobel` Args: src: input image object Returns: Output image object """ return Wrap11Func(filters.sobel)(src)
[docs] def compute_sobel_h(src: ImageObj) -> ImageObj: """Compute horizontal Sobel filter with :py:func:`skimage.filters.sobel_h` Args: src: input image object Returns: Output image object """ return Wrap11Func(filters.sobel_h)(src)
[docs] def compute_sobel_v(src: ImageObj) -> ImageObj: """Compute vertical Sobel filter with :py:func:`skimage.filters.sobel_v` Args: src: input image object Returns: Output image object """ return Wrap11Func(filters.sobel_v)(src)
[docs] def compute_scharr(src: ImageObj) -> ImageObj: """Compute Scharr filter with :py:func:`skimage.filters.scharr` Args: src: input image object Returns: Output image object """ return Wrap11Func(filters.scharr)(src)
[docs] def compute_scharr_h(src: ImageObj) -> ImageObj: """Compute horizontal Scharr filter with :py:func:`skimage.filters.scharr_h` Args: src: input image object Returns: Output image object """ return Wrap11Func(filters.scharr_h)(src)
[docs] def compute_scharr_v(src: ImageObj) -> ImageObj: """Compute vertical Scharr filter with :py:func:`skimage.filters.scharr_v` Args: src: input image object Returns: Output image object """ return Wrap11Func(filters.scharr_v)(src)
[docs] def compute_farid(src: ImageObj) -> ImageObj: """Compute Farid filter with :py:func:`skimage.filters.farid` Args: src: input image object Returns: Output image object """ return Wrap11Func(filters.farid)(src)
[docs] def compute_farid_h(src: ImageObj) -> ImageObj: """Compute horizontal Farid filter with :py:func:`skimage.filters.farid_h` Args: src: input image object Returns: Output image object """ return Wrap11Func(filters.farid_h)(src)
[docs] def compute_farid_v(src: ImageObj) -> ImageObj: """Compute vertical Farid filter with :py:func:`skimage.filters.farid_v` Args: src: input image object Returns: Output image object """ return Wrap11Func(filters.farid_v)(src)
[docs] def compute_laplace(src: ImageObj) -> ImageObj: """Compute Laplace filter with :py:func:`skimage.filters.laplace` Args: src: input image object Returns: Output image object """ return Wrap11Func(filters.laplace)(src)