Source code for cdl.computation.image.threshold

# Copyright (c) DataLab Platform Developers, BSD 3-Clause license, see LICENSE file.

Threshold computation module


# pylint: disable=invalid-name  # Allows short reference names like x, y, ...

# Note:
# ----
# All dataset classes must also be imported in the cdl.computation.param module.

from __future__ import annotations

import guidata.dataset as gds
import skimage.util
from skimage import filters

from cdl.computation.image import dst_11, restore_data_outside_roi
from cdl.config import _
from cdl.obj import ImageObj

[docs] class ThresholdParam(gds.DataSet): """Histogram threshold parameters""" methods = ( ("manual", _("Manual")), ("isodata", "ISODATA"), ("li", "Li"), ("mean", _("Mean")), ("minimum", _("Minimum")), ("otsu", "Otsu"), ("triangle", _("Triangle")), ("yen", "Yen"), ) _method_prop = gds.GetAttrProp("method") method = gds.ChoiceItem(_("Threshold method"), methods, default="manual").set_prop( "display", store=_method_prop ) bins = gds.IntItem(_("Number of bins"), default=256, min=1).set_prop( "display", active=gds.FuncProp(_method_prop, lambda x: x not in ("li", "mean", "manual")), ) value = gds.FloatItem(_("Threshold value"), default=0.0).set_prop( "display", active=gds.FuncProp(_method_prop, lambda x: x == "manual") ) operation = gds.ChoiceItem( _("Operation"), ((">", _("Greater than")), ("<", _("Less than"))), default=">", )
[docs] def compute_threshold(src: ImageObj, p: ThresholdParam) -> ImageObj: """Compute the threshold, using one of the available algorithms: - Manual: a fixed threshold value - ISODATA: :py:func:`skimage.filters.threshold_isodata` - Li: :py:func:`skimage.filters.threshold_li` - Mean: :py:func:`skimage.filters.threshold_mean` - Minimum: :py:func:`skimage.filters.threshold_minimum` - Otsu: :py:func:`skimage.filters.threshold_otsu` - Triangle: :py:func:`skimage.filters.threshold_triangle` - Yen: :py:func:`skimage.filters.threshold_yen` Args: src: input image object p: parameters Returns: Output image object """ if p.method == "manual": suffix = f"value={p.value}" threshold = p.value else: suffix = f"method={p.method}" if p.method not in ("li", "mean"): suffix += f", nbins={p.bins}" func = getattr(filters, f"threshold_{p.method}") args = [] if p.method in ("li", "mean") else [p.bins] threshold = func(, *args) dst = dst_11(src, "threshold", suffix) data = > threshold if p.operation == ">" else < threshold = skimage.util.img_as_ubyte(data) dst.zscalemin, dst.zscalemax = 0, 255 # LUT range dst.metadata["colormap"] = "gray" restore_data_outside_roi(dst, src) return dst
[docs] def compute_threshold_isodata(src: ImageObj) -> ImageObj: """Compute the threshold using the Isodata algorithm with default parameters, see :py:func:`skimage.filters.threshold_isodata` Args: src: input image object Returns: Output image object """ return compute_threshold(src, ThresholdParam.create(method="isodata"))
[docs] def compute_threshold_li(src: ImageObj) -> ImageObj: """Compute the threshold using the Li algorithm with default parameters, see :py:func:`skimage.filters.threshold_li` Args: src: input image object Returns: Output image object """ return compute_threshold(src, ThresholdParam.create(method="li"))
[docs] def compute_threshold_mean(src: ImageObj) -> ImageObj: """Compute the threshold using the Mean algorithm, see :py:func:`skimage.filters.threshold_mean` Args: src: input image object Returns: Output image object """ return compute_threshold(src, ThresholdParam.create(method="mean"))
[docs] def compute_threshold_minimum(src: ImageObj) -> ImageObj: """Compute the threshold using the Minimum algorithm with default parameters, see :py:func:`skimage.filters.threshold_minimum` Args: src: input image object Returns: Output image object """ return compute_threshold(src, ThresholdParam.create(method="minimum"))
[docs] def compute_threshold_otsu(src: ImageObj) -> ImageObj: """Compute the threshold using the Otsu algorithm with default parameters, see :py:func:`skimage.filters.threshold_otsu` Args: src: input image object Returns: Output image object """ return compute_threshold(src, ThresholdParam.create(method="otsu"))
[docs] def compute_threshold_triangle(src: ImageObj) -> ImageObj: """Compute the threshold using the Triangle algorithm with default parameters, see :py:func:`skimage.filters.threshold_triangle` Args: src: input image object Returns: Output image object """ return compute_threshold(src, ThresholdParam.create(method="triangle"))
[docs] def compute_threshold_yen(src: ImageObj) -> ImageObj: """Compute the threshold using the Yen algorithm with default parameters, see :py:func:`skimage.filters.threshold_yen` Args: src: input image object Returns: Output image object """ return compute_threshold(src, ThresholdParam.create(method="yen"))