Future milestones#
Features or enhancements#
Add support for data acquisition:
It would be nice to be able to acquire data from various sources (e.g. a camera, a digitizer, a spectrometer, etc.) directly from DataLab
This would allow to use DataLab as a data acquisition software, and to process the acquired data immediately after
Although there is currently no design for this feature, it could be implemented by creating a new plugin family, and by defining a common API for data acquisition plugins
One of the possible technical solutions could be to rely on PyMoDAQ, a Python package for data acquisition, which is already compatible with various hardware devices - how about a collaboration with the PyMoDAQ developers?
Create a DataLab math library:
This library would be a Python package, and would contain all the mathematical functions and algorithms used in DataLab: - A low-level algorithms API operating on NumPy arrays - The base non-GUI data model of DataLab (e.g. signals, images) - A high-level computing API operating on DataLab objects (e.g. signals, images)
It would be used by DataLab itself, but could also be used by third-party software (e.g. Jupyter notebooks, Spyder, Visual Studio Code, etc.)
Finally, this library would be a good way to share DataLabâs mathematical features with the scientific community: a collection of algorithms and functions that are well-tested, well-documented, and easy to use
Note: it is already possible to use DataLabâs processing features from outside DataLab by importing the cdl Python package, but this package also contains the GUI code, which is not always needed (e.g. when using DataLab from a Jupyter notebook). The idea here is to create a new package that would contain only the mathematical features of DataLab, without the GUI code.
The DataLab math library could be an opportunity to reconsider the design of the DataLab processing functions. Currently, the processing functions working on signal and image objects rely on guidata.dataset.DataSet objects for input parameters. This is very convenient for the developer because it allows to create a GUI for the processing functions automatically, but it is not very flexible for the user because it forces to instantiate a DataSet object with the right parameters before calling the processing function (this can be cumbersome especially when dealing with simple processing functions requiring only a few parameters). Thus, it could be interesting to consider a more flexible and simple design, where the processing parameters would be passed as keyword arguments to the processing functions. The DataSet objects could be handled internally by the processing functions (e.g. by calling the DataSet.create method with the keyword arguments passed by the user). This would allow to keep the automatic GUI generation feature for the processing functions, but would also allow to call the processing functions directly with keyword arguments, without having to create a DataSet object first.
Create a Jupyter plugin for interactive data analysis with DataLab:
Using DataLab from a Jupyter notebook is already possible, thanks to the remote control features (see Remote controlling), but it would be nice to have a dedicated plugin
This plugin would allow to use DataLab as a Jupyter kernel, and to display DataLab numerical results in Jupyter notebooks or the other way around (e.g. display Jupyter results in DataLab)
This plugin would also allow to use DataLabâs processing features from Jupyter notebooks
A typical use case could also consist in using DataLab for manipulating signals or images efficiently, and using Jupyter for custom data analysis based on specific / home-made algorithms
This plugin could be implemented by using the Jupyter kernel interface (see above)
Create a Spyder plugin for interactive data analysis connected with DataLab:
This is exactly the same use case as for the Jupyter plugin, but for Spyder
This plugin could also be implemented by using the Jupyter kernel interface (see above)
Add support for time series (see Issue #27)
Add a Jupyter kernel interface to DataLab:
This would allow to use DataLab from other software, such as Jupyter notebooks, Spyder or Visual Studio Code
This would also allow to share data between DataLab and other software (e.g. display DataLab numerical results in Jupyter notebooks or the other way around, display Jupyter results in DataLab, etc.)
After a first and quick look, it seems that the Jupyter kernel interface is not straightforward to implement, so that it may not be worth the effort (the communication between DataLab and Jupyter is currently already possible thanks to the remote control features)
2024: switch to gRPC for remote control (instead of XML-RPC), if there is a need for a more efficient communication protocol (see Issue #18)
2025: drop PyQt5 support (end-of-life: mid-2025), and switch to PyQt6 ; this should be straightforward, thanks to the qtpy compatibility layer and to the fact that PlotPyStack is already compatible with PyQt6)
Other tasks#
Create a DataLab plugin template (see Issue #26)
Past milestones#
DataLab 0.11#
Add a drag-and-drop feature to the signal and image panels, to allow reordering signals and images (see Issue #17)
Add âMove upâ and âMove downâ buttons to the signal and image panels, to allow reordering signals and images (see Issue #22)
Add 1D convolution, interpolation, resampling and detrending features
DataLab 0.10#
Develop a very simple DataLab plugin to demonstrate the plugin system
Serialize curve and image styles in HDF5 files
Add an âAuto-refreshâ global option, to be able to disable the automatic refresh of the main window when doing multiple processing steps, thus improving performance
Improve curve readability (e.g. avoid dashed lines, use contrasted colors, and use anti-aliasing)
DataLab 0.9#
Python 3.11 is the new reference
Run computations in a separate process:
Execute a âcomputing serverâ in background, in another process
For each computation, send serialized data and computing function to the server and wait for the result
It is then possible to stop any computation at any time by killing the server process and restarting it (eventually after incrementing the communication port number)
Optimize image displaying performance
Add preferences dialog box
Add new image processing features: denoising, âŠ
Image processing results: added support for polygon shapes (e.g. for contour detection)
New plugin system: API for third-party extensions
Objective #1: a plugin must be manageable using a single Python script, which includes an extension of ImageProcessor, ActionHandler and new file format support
Objective #2: plugins must be simply stored in a folder wich defaults to the user directory (same folder as â.DataLab.iniâ configuration file)
Add a macro-command system:
New embedded Python editor
Scripts using the same API as high-level applicative test scenarios
Support for macro recording
Add an xmlrpc server to allow DataLab remote control:
Controlling DataLab main features (open a signal or an image, open a HDF5 file, etc.) and processing features (run a computation, etc.)
Take control of DataLab from a third-party software
Run interactive calculations from an IDE (e.g. Spyder or Visual Studio Code)