Source code for cdl.core.model.signal

# Copyright (c) DataLab Platform Developers, BSD 3-Clause license, see LICENSE file.

Signal object and related classes


# pylint: disable=invalid-name  # Allows short reference names like x, y, ...
# pylint: disable=duplicate-code

from __future__ import annotations

from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Generator, Type
from uuid import uuid4

import guidata.dataset as gds
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as sps
from guidata.configtools import get_icon
from guidata.dataset import restore_dataset, update_dataset
from guidata.qthelpers import exec_dialog
from plotpy.builder import make
from plotpy.items import CurveItem, XRangeSelection
from import EditPointTool
from qtpy import QtWidgets as QW

from cdl.algorithms.signal import GaussianModel, LorentzianModel, VoigtModel
from cdl.config import Conf, _
from cdl.core.model import base

    from plotpy.plot import PlotDialog
    from plotpy.styles import CurveParam

class CurveStyles:
    """Object to manage curve styles"""

    #: Curve colors
    COLORS = (
        "#1f77b4",  # muted blue
        "#ff7f0e",  # safety orange
        "#2ca02c",  # cooked asparagus green
        "#d62728",  # brick red
        "#9467bd",  # muted purple
        "#8c564b",  # chestnut brown
        "#e377c2",  # raspberry yogurt pink
        "#7f7f7f",  # gray
        "#bcbd22",  # curry yellow-green
        "#17becf",  # blue-teal
    #: Curve line styles
    LINESTYLES = ("SolidLine", "DashLine", "DashDotLine", "DashDotDotLine")

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.__suspend = False
        self.curve_style = self.style_generator()

    def style_generator() -> Generator[tuple[str, str], None, None]:
        """Cycling through curve styles"""
        while True:
            for linestyle in CurveStyles.LINESTYLES:
                for color in CurveStyles.COLORS:
                    yield (color, linestyle)

    def apply_style(self, param: CurveParam) -> None:
        """Apply style to curve"""
        if self.__suspend:
            # Suspend mode: always apply the first style
            color, linestyle = CurveStyles.COLORS[0], CurveStyles.LINESTYLES[0]
            color, linestyle = next(self.curve_style)
        param.line.color = color = linestyle
        param.symbol.marker = "NoSymbol"

    def reset_styles(self) -> None:
        """Reset styles"""
        self.curve_style = self.style_generator()

    def alternative(
        self, other_style_generator: Generator[tuple[str, str], None, None]
    ) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
        """Use an alternative style generator"""
        old_style_generator = self.curve_style
        self.curve_style = other_style_generator
        self.curve_style = old_style_generator

    def suspend(self) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
        """Suspend style generator"""
        self.__suspend = True
        self.__suspend = False

CURVESTYLES = CurveStyles()  # This is the unique instance of the CurveStyles class

[docs] class ROI1DParam(base.BaseROIParam["SignalObj", "SegmentROI"]): """Signal ROI parameters""" # Note: in this class, the ROI parameters are stored as X coordinates xmin = gds.FloatItem(_("First point coordinate")) xmax = gds.FloatItem(_("Last point coordinate"))
[docs] def to_single_roi(self, obj: SignalObj, title: str = "") -> SegmentROI: """Convert parameters to single ROI Args: obj: signal object title: ROI title Returns: Single ROI """ return SegmentROI([self.xmin, self.xmax], False, title=title)
[docs] def get_data(self, obj: SignalObj) -> np.ndarray: """Get signal data in ROI Args: obj: signal object Returns: Data in ROI """ imin, imax = np.searchsorted(obj.x, [self.xmin, self.xmax]) return np.array([obj.x[imin:imax], obj.y[imin:imax]])
class SegmentROI(base.BaseSingleROI["SignalObj", ROI1DParam, XRangeSelection]): """Segment ROI Args: coords: ROI coordinates (xmin, xmax) title: ROI title """ # Note: in this class, the ROI parameters are stored as X indices def check_coords(self) -> None: """Check if coords are valid Raises: ValueError: invalid coords """ if len(self.coords) != 2: raise ValueError("Invalid ROI segment coords (2 values expected)") if self.coords[0] >= self.coords[1]: raise ValueError("Invalid ROI segment coords (xmin >= xmax)") def get_data(self, obj: SignalObj) -> np.ndarray: """Get signal data in ROI Args: obj: signal object Returns: Data in ROI """ imin, imax = self.get_indices_coords(obj) return np.array([obj.x[imin:imax], obj.y[imin:imax]]) def to_mask(self, obj: SignalObj) -> np.ndarray: """Create mask from ROI Args: obj: signal object Returns: Mask (boolean array where True values are inside the ROI) """ mask = np.ones_like(obj.xydata, dtype=bool) imin, imax = self.get_indices_coords(obj) mask[:, imin:imax] = False return mask # pylint: disable=unused-argument def to_param(self, obj: SignalObj, title: str | None = None) -> ROI1DParam: """Convert ROI to parameters Args: obj: object (signal), for physical-indices coordinates conversion title: ROI title """ title = title or self.title param = ROI1DParam(title) param.xmin, param.xmax = self.get_physical_coords(obj) return param # pylint: disable=unused-argument def to_plot_item(self, obj: SignalObj, title: str | None = None) -> XRangeSelection: """Make and return the annnotated segment associated with the ROI Args: obj: object (signal), for physical-indices coordinates conversion title: title """ xmin, xmax = self.get_physical_coords(obj) item = make.range(xmin, xmax) return item @classmethod def from_plot_item(cls: SegmentROI, item: XRangeSelection) -> SegmentROI: """Create ROI from plot item Args: item: plot item Returns: ROI """ if not isinstance(item, XRangeSelection): raise TypeError("Invalid plot item type") return cls(item.get_range(), False)
[docs] class SignalROI(base.BaseROI["SignalObj", SegmentROI, ROI1DParam, XRangeSelection]): """Signal Regions of Interest Args: singleobj: if True, when extracting data defined by ROIs, only one object is created (default to True). If False, one object is created per single ROI. If None, the value is get from the user configuration inverse: if True, ROI is outside the region """ PREFIX = "s"
[docs] @staticmethod def get_compatible_single_roi_classes() -> list[Type[SegmentROI]]: """Return compatible single ROI classes""" return [SegmentROI]
[docs] def to_mask(self, obj: SignalObj) -> np.ndarray[bool]: """Create mask from ROI Args: obj: signal object Returns: Mask (boolean array where True values are inside the ROI) """ mask = np.ones_like(obj.xydata, dtype=bool) for roi in self.single_rois: mask &= roi.to_mask(obj) return mask
[docs] def create_signal_roi( coords: np.ndarray | list[float, float] | list[list[float, float]], indices: bool = False, singleobj: bool | None = None, inverse: bool = False, title: str = "", ) -> SignalROI: """Create Signal Regions of Interest (ROI) object. More ROIs can be added to the object after creation, using the `add_roi` method. Args: coords: single ROI coordinates `[xmin, xmax]`, or multiple ROIs coordinates `[[xmin1, xmax1], [xmin2, xmax2], ...]` (lists or NumPy arrays) indices: if True, coordinates are indices, if False, they are physical values (default to False for signals) singleobj: if True, when extracting data defined by ROIs, only one object is created (default to True). If False, one object is created per single ROI. If None, the value is get from the user configuration inverse: if True, ROI is outside the region title: title Returns: Regions of Interest (ROI) object Raises: ValueError: if the number of coordinates is not even """ coords = np.array(coords, float) if coords.ndim == 1: coords = coords.reshape(1, -1) roi = SignalROI(singleobj, inverse) for row in coords: roi.add_roi(SegmentROI(row, indices=indices, title=title)) return roi
def apply_downsampling(item: CurveItem, do_not_update: bool = False) -> None: """Apply downsampling to curve item Args: item: curve item do_not_update: if True, do not update the item even if the downsampling parameters have changed """ old_use_dsamp = item.param.use_dsamp item.param.use_dsamp = False if Conf.view.sig_autodownsampling.get(): nbpoints = item.get_data()[0].size maxpoints = Conf.view.sig_autodownsampling_maxpoints.get() if nbpoints > 5 * maxpoints: item.param.use_dsamp = True item.param.dsamp_factor = nbpoints // maxpoints if not do_not_update and old_use_dsamp != item.param.use_dsamp: item.update_data()
[docs] class SignalObj(gds.DataSet, base.BaseObj[SignalROI, CurveItem]): """Signal object""" PREFIX = "s" CONF_FMT = Conf.view.sig_format DEFAULT_FMT = "g" VALID_DTYPES = (np.float32, np.float64, np.complex128) uuid = gds.StringItem("UUID").set_prop("display", hide=True) _tabs = gds.BeginTabGroup("all") _datag = gds.BeginGroup(_("Data and metadata")) title = gds.StringItem(_("Signal title"), default=_("Untitled")) xydata = gds.FloatArrayItem(_("Data"), transpose=True, minmax="rows") metadata = gds.DictItem(_("Metadata"), default={}) _e_datag = gds.EndGroup(_("Data and metadata")) _unitsg = gds.BeginGroup(_("Titles and units")) title = gds.StringItem(_("Signal title"), default=_("Untitled")) _tabs_u = gds.BeginTabGroup("units") _unitsx = gds.BeginGroup(_("X-axis")) xlabel = gds.StringItem(_("Title"), default="") xunit = gds.StringItem(_("Unit"), default="") _e_unitsx = gds.EndGroup(_("X-axis")) _unitsy = gds.BeginGroup(_("Y-axis")) ylabel = gds.StringItem(_("Title"), default="") yunit = gds.StringItem(_("Unit"), default="") _e_unitsy = gds.EndGroup(_("Y-axis")) _e_tabs_u = gds.EndTabGroup("units") _e_unitsg = gds.EndGroup(_("Titles and units")) _scalesg = gds.BeginGroup(_("Scales")) _prop_autoscale = gds.GetAttrProp("autoscale") autoscale = gds.BoolItem(_("Auto scale"), default=True).set_prop( "display", store=_prop_autoscale ) _tabs_b = gds.BeginTabGroup("bounds") _boundsx = gds.BeginGroup(_("X-axis")) xscalelog = gds.BoolItem(_("Logarithmic scale"), default=False) xscalemin = gds.FloatItem(_("Lower bound"), check=False).set_prop( "display", active=gds.NotProp(_prop_autoscale) ) xscalemax = gds.FloatItem(_("Upper bound"), check=False).set_prop( "display", active=gds.NotProp(_prop_autoscale) ) _e_boundsx = gds.EndGroup(_("X-axis")) _boundsy = gds.BeginGroup(_("Y-axis")) yscalelog = gds.BoolItem(_("Logarithmic scale"), default=False) yscalemin = gds.FloatItem(_("Lower bound"), check=False).set_prop( "display", active=gds.NotProp(_prop_autoscale) ) yscalemax = gds.FloatItem(_("Upper bound"), check=False).set_prop( "display", active=gds.NotProp(_prop_autoscale) ) _e_boundsy = gds.EndGroup(_("Y-axis")) _e_tabs_b = gds.EndTabGroup("bounds") _e_scalesg = gds.EndGroup(_("Scales")) _e_tabs = gds.EndTabGroup("all") def __init__(self, title=None, comment=None, icon=""): """Constructor Args: title: title comment: comment icon: icon """ gds.DataSet.__init__(self, title, comment, icon) base.BaseObj.__init__(self) self.regenerate_uuid()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_roi_class() -> Type[SignalROI]: """Return ROI class""" return SignalROI
[docs] def regenerate_uuid(self): """Regenerate UUID This method is used to regenerate UUID after loading the object from a file. This is required to avoid UUID conflicts when loading objects from file without clearing the workspace first. """ self.uuid = str(uuid4())
[docs] def copy( self, title: str | None = None, dtype: np.dtype | None = None ) -> SignalObj: """Copy object. Args: title: title dtype: data type Returns: Copied object """ title = self.title if title is None else title obj = SignalObj(title=title) obj.title = title obj.xlabel = self.xlabel obj.xunit = self.xunit obj.yunit = self.yunit if dtype not in (None, float, complex, np.complex128): raise RuntimeError("Signal data only supports float64/complex128 dtype") obj.metadata = base.deepcopy_metadata(self.metadata) obj.xydata = np.array(self.xydata, copy=True, dtype=dtype) return obj
[docs] def set_data_type(self, dtype: np.dtype) -> None: # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Change data type. Args: Data type """ raise RuntimeError("Setting data type is not support for signals")
[docs] def set_xydata( self, x: np.ndarray | list, y: np.ndarray | list, dx: np.ndarray | list | None = None, dy: np.ndarray | list | None = None, ) -> None: """Set xy data Args: x: x data y: y data dx: dx data (optional: error bars) dy: dy data (optional: error bars) """ if x is not None: x = np.array(x) if y is not None: y = np.array(y) if dx is not None: dx = np.array(dx) if dy is not None: dy = np.array(dy) if dx is None and dy is None: self.xydata = np.vstack([x, y]) else: if dx is None: dx = np.zeros_like(dy) if dy is None: dy = np.zeros_like(dx) self.xydata = np.vstack((x, y, dx, dy))
def __get_x(self) -> np.ndarray | None: """Get x data""" if self.xydata is not None: return self.xydata[0] return None def __set_x(self, data) -> None: """Set x data""" self.xydata[0] = np.array(data) def __get_y(self) -> np.ndarray | None: """Get y data""" if self.xydata is not None: return self.xydata[1] return None def __set_y(self, data) -> None: """Set y data""" self.xydata[1] = np.array(data) def __get_dx(self) -> np.ndarray | None: """Get dx data""" if self.xydata is not None and len(self.xydata) > 2: return self.xydata[2] return None def __set_dx(self, data) -> None: """Set dx data""" if self.xydata is not None and len(self.xydata) > 2: self.xydata[2] = np.array(data) else: raise ValueError("dx data not available") def __get_dy(self) -> np.ndarray | None: """Get dy data""" if self.xydata is not None and len(self.xydata) > 3: return self.xydata[3] return None def __set_dy(self, data) -> None: """Set dy data""" if self.xydata is not None and len(self.xydata) > 3: self.xydata[3] = np.array(data) else: raise ValueError("dy data not available") x = property(__get_x, __set_x) y = data = property(__get_y, __set_y) dx = property(__get_dx, __set_dx) dy = property(__get_dy, __set_dy)
[docs] def get_data(self, roi_index: int | None = None) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Return original data (if ROI is not defined or `roi_index` is None), or ROI data (if both ROI and `roi_index` are defined). Args: roi_index: ROI index Returns: Data """ if self.roi is None or roi_index is None: return self.x, self.y single_roi = self.roi.get_single_roi(roi_index) return single_roi.get_data(self)
[docs] def update_plot_item_parameters(self, item: CurveItem) -> None: """Update plot item parameters from object data/metadata Takes into account a subset of plot item parameters. Those parameters may have been overriden by object metadata entries or other object data. The goal is to update the plot item accordingly. This is *almost* the inverse operation of `update_metadata_from_plot_item`. Args: item: plot item """ update_dataset(item.param.line, self.metadata) update_dataset(item.param.symbol, self.metadata) super().update_plot_item_parameters(item)
[docs] def update_metadata_from_plot_item(self, item: CurveItem) -> None: """Update metadata from plot item. Takes into account a subset of plot item parameters. Those parameters may have been modified by the user through the plot item GUI. The goal is to update the metadata accordingly. This is *almost* the inverse operation of `update_plot_item_parameters`. Args: item: plot item """ super().update_metadata_from_plot_item(item) restore_dataset(item.param.line, self.metadata) restore_dataset(item.param.symbol, self.metadata)
[docs] def make_item(self, update_from: CurveItem | None = None) -> CurveItem: """Make plot item from data. Args: update_from: plot item to update from Returns: Plot item """ if len(self.xydata) in (2, 3, 4): if len(self.xydata) == 2: # x, y signal x, y = self.xydata item = make.mcurve(x.real, y.real, label=self.title) elif len(self.xydata) == 3: # x, y, dy error bar signal x, y, dy = self.xydata item = make.merror(x.real, y.real, dy.real, label=self.title) elif len(self.xydata) == 4: # x, y, dx, dy error bar signal x, y, dx, dy = self.xydata item = make.merror(x.real, y.real, dx.real, dy.real, label=self.title) CURVESTYLES.apply_style(item.param) apply_downsampling(item, do_not_update=True) else: raise RuntimeError("data not supported") if update_from is None: self.update_plot_item_parameters(item) else: update_dataset(item.param, update_from.param) item.update_params() return item
[docs] def update_item(self, item: CurveItem, data_changed: bool = True) -> None: """Update plot item from data. Args: item: plot item data_changed: if True, data has changed """ if data_changed: if len(self.xydata) == 2: # x, y signal x, y = self.xydata item.set_data(x.real, y.real) elif len(self.xydata) == 3: # x, y, dy error bar signal x, y, dy = self.xydata item.set_data(x.real, y.real, dy=dy.real) elif len(self.xydata) == 4: # x, y, dx, dy error bar signal x, y, dx, dy = self.xydata item.set_data(x.real, y.real, dx.real, dy.real) item.param.label = self.title apply_downsampling(item) self.update_plot_item_parameters(item)
[docs] def physical_to_indices(self, coords: list[float] | np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Convert coordinates from physical (real world) to (array) indices (pixel) Args: coords: coordinates Returns: Indices """ self.x: np.ndarray return np.array([np.abs(self.x - x).argmin() for x in coords])
[docs] def indices_to_physical(self, indices: list[int] | np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Convert coordinates from (array) indices to physical (real world) Args: indices: indices Returns: Coordinates """ # We take the real part of the x data to avoid `ComplexWarning` warnings # when creating and manipulating the `XRangeSelection` shape (`plotpy`) return self.x.real[indices]
[docs] def add_label_with_title(self, title: str | None = None) -> None: """Add label with title annotation Args: title: title (if None, use signal title) """ title = self.title if title is None else title if title: label = make.label(title, "TL", (0, 0), "TL") self.add_annotations_from_items([label])
[docs] def create_signal( title: str, x: np.ndarray | None = None, y: np.ndarray | None = None, dx: np.ndarray | None = None, dy: np.ndarray | None = None, metadata: dict | None = None, units: tuple[str, str] | None = None, labels: tuple[str, str] | None = None, ) -> SignalObj: """Create a new Signal object. Args: title: signal title x: X data y: Y data dx: dX data (optional: error bars) dy: dY data (optional: error bars) metadata: signal metadata units: X, Y units (tuple of strings) labels: X, Y labels (tuple of strings) Returns: Signal object """ assert isinstance(title, str) signal = SignalObj(title=title) signal.title = title signal.set_xydata(x, y, dx=dx, dy=dy) if units is not None: signal.xunit, signal.yunit = units if labels is not None: signal.xlabel, signal.ylabel = labels if metadata is not None: signal.metadata.update(metadata) return signal
[docs] class SignalTypes(base.Choices): """Signal types""" #: Signal filled with zeros ZEROS = _("zeros") #: Gaussian function GAUSS = _("gaussian") #: Lorentzian function LORENTZ = _("lorentzian") #: Voigt function VOIGT = "Voigt" #: Random signal (uniform law) UNIFORMRANDOM = _("random (uniform law)") #: Random signal (normal law) NORMALRANDOM = _("random (normal law)") #: Sinusoid SINUS = _("sinus") #: Cosinusoid COSINUS = _("cosinus") #: Sawtooth function SAWTOOTH = _("sawtooth") #: Triangle function TRIANGLE = _("triangle") #: Square function SQUARE = _("square") #: Cardinal sine SINC = _("cardinal sine") #: Step function STEP = _("step") #: Exponential function EXPONENTIAL = _("exponential") #: Pulse function PULSE = _("pulse") #: Polynomial function POLYNOMIAL = _("polynomial") #: Experimental function EXPERIMENTAL = _("experimental")
[docs] class GaussLorentzVoigtParam(gds.DataSet): """Parameters for Gaussian and Lorentzian functions""" a = gds.FloatItem("A", default=1.0) ymin = gds.FloatItem("Ymin", default=0.0).set_pos(col=1) sigma = gds.FloatItem("σ", default=1.0) mu = gds.FloatItem("μ", default=0.0).set_pos(col=1)
class FreqUnits(base.Choices): """Frequency units""" HZ = "Hz" KHZ = "kHz" MHZ = "MHz" GHZ = "GHz" @classmethod def convert_in_hz(cls, value, unit): """Convert value in Hz""" factor = {cls.HZ: 1, cls.KHZ: 1e3, cls.MHZ: 1e6, cls.GHZ: 1e9}.get(unit) if factor is None: raise ValueError(f"Unknown unit: {unit}") return value * factor
[docs] class PeriodicParam(gds.DataSet): """Parameters for periodic functions"""
[docs] def get_frequency_in_hz(self): """Return frequency in Hz""" return FreqUnits.convert_in_hz(self.freq, self.freq_unit)
a = gds.FloatItem("A", default=1.0) ymin = gds.FloatItem("Ymin", default=0.0).set_pos(col=1) freq = gds.FloatItem(_("Frequency"), default=1.0) freq_unit = gds.ChoiceItem( _("Unit"), FreqUnits.get_choices(), default=FreqUnits.HZ ).set_pos(col=1) phase = gds.FloatItem(_("Phase"), default=0.0, unit="°").set_pos(col=1)
[docs] class StepParam(gds.DataSet): """Parameters for step function""" a1 = gds.FloatItem("A1", default=0.0) a2 = gds.FloatItem("A2", default=1.0).set_pos(col=1) x0 = gds.FloatItem("X0", default=0.0)
class ExponentialParam(gds.DataSet): """Parameters for exponential function""" a = gds.FloatItem("A", default=1.0) offset = gds.FloatItem(_("Offset"), default=0.0) exponent = gds.FloatItem(_("Exponent"), default=1.0) class PulseParam(gds.DataSet): """Parameters for pulse function""" amp = gds.FloatItem("Amplitude", default=1.0) start = gds.FloatItem(_("Start"), default=0.0).set_pos(col=1) offset = gds.FloatItem(_("Offset"), default=0.0) stop = gds.FloatItem(_("End"), default=0.0).set_pos(col=1) class PolyParam(gds.DataSet): """Parameters for polynomial function""" a0 = gds.FloatItem("a0", default=1.0) a3 = gds.FloatItem("a3", default=0.0).set_pos(col=1) a1 = gds.FloatItem("a1", default=1.0) a4 = gds.FloatItem("a4", default=0.0).set_pos(col=1) a2 = gds.FloatItem("a2", default=0.0) a5 = gds.FloatItem("a5", default=0.0).set_pos(col=1) class ExperSignalParam(gds.DataSet): """Parameters for experimental signal""" size = gds.IntItem("Size", default=5).set_prop("display", hide=True) xyarray = gds.FloatArrayItem( "XY Values", format="%g", ) xmin = gds.FloatItem("Min", default=0).set_prop("display", hide=True) xmax = gds.FloatItem("Max", default=1).set_prop("display", hide=True) def edit_curve(self, *args) -> None: # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Edit experimental curve""" win: PlotDialog = make.dialog( wintitle=_("Select one point then press OK to accept"), edit=True, type="curve", ) edit_tool = win.manager.add_tool( EditPointTool, title=_("Edit experimental curve") ) edit_tool.activate() plot = win.manager.get_plot() x, y = self.xyarray[:, 0], self.xyarray[:, 1] curve = make.mcurve(x, y, "-+") plot.add_item(curve) plot.set_active_item(curve) insert_btn = QW.QPushButton(_("Insert point"), win) insert_btn.clicked.connect(edit_tool.trigger_insert_point_at_selection) win.button_layout.insertWidget(0, insert_btn) exec_dialog(win) new_x, new_y = curve.get_data() self.xmax = new_x.max() self.xmin = new_x.min() self.size = new_x.size self.xyarray = np.vstack((new_x, new_y)).T btn_curve_edit = gds.ButtonItem( "Edit curve", callback=edit_curve, icon="signal.svg" ) def setup_array( self, size: int | None = None, xmin: float | None = None, xmax: float | None = None, ) -> None: """Setup the xyarray from size, xmin and xmax (use the current values is not provided) Args: size: xyarray size (default: None) xmin: X min (default: None) xmax: X max (default: None) """ self.size = size or self.size self.xmin = xmin or self.xmin self.xmax = xmax or self.xmax x_arr = np.linspace(self.xmin, self.xmax, self.size) # type: ignore self.xyarray = np.vstack((x_arr, x_arr)).T
[docs] class NewSignalParam(gds.DataSet): """New signal dataset""" hide_signal_type = False title = gds.StringItem(_("Title")) xmin = gds.FloatItem("Xmin", default=-10.0) xmax = gds.FloatItem("Xmax", default=10.0) size = gds.IntItem( _("Size"), help=_("Signal size (total number of points)"), min=1, default=500 ) stype = gds.ChoiceItem(_("Type"), SignalTypes.get_choices()).set_prop( "display", hide=gds.GetAttrProp("hide_signal_type") )
DEFAULT_TITLE = _("Untitled signal")
[docs] def new_signal_param( title: str | None = None, stype: str | None = None, xmin: float | None = None, xmax: float | None = None, size: int | None = None, ) -> NewSignalParam: """Create a new Signal dataset instance. Args: title: dataset title (default: None, uses default title) stype: signal type (default: None, uses default type) xmin: X min (default: None, uses default value) xmax: X max (default: None, uses default value) size: signal size (default: None, uses default value) Returns: NewSignalParam: new signal dataset instance """ title = DEFAULT_TITLE if title is None else title param = NewSignalParam(title=title, icon=get_icon("new_signal.svg")) param.title = title if xmin is not None: param.xmin = xmin if xmax is not None: param.xmax = xmax if size is not None: param.size = size if stype is not None: param.stype = stype return param
SIG_NB = 0 def triangle_func(xarr: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Triangle function Args: xarr: x data """ return sps.sawtooth(xarr, width=0.5)
[docs] def create_signal_from_param( newparam: NewSignalParam, addparam: gds.DataSet | None = None, edit: bool = False, parent: QW.QWidget | None = None, ) -> SignalObj | None: """Create a new Signal object from a dialog box. Args: newparam: new signal parameters addparam: additional parameters edit: Open a dialog box to edit parameters (default: False) parent: parent widget Returns: Signal object or None if canceled """ global SIG_NB # pylint: disable=global-statement if newparam is None: newparam = new_signal_param() incr_sig_nb = not newparam.title if incr_sig_nb: newparam.title = f"{newparam.title} {SIG_NB + 1:d}" if not edit or addparam is not None or newparam.edit(parent=parent): prefix = if incr_sig_nb: SIG_NB += 1 signal = create_signal(newparam.title) xarr = np.linspace(newparam.xmin, newparam.xmax, newparam.size) p = addparam if newparam.stype == SignalTypes.ZEROS: signal.set_xydata(xarr, np.zeros(newparam.size)) elif newparam.stype in (SignalTypes.UNIFORMRANDOM, SignalTypes.NORMALRANDOM): pclass = { SignalTypes.UNIFORMRANDOM: base.UniformRandomParam, SignalTypes.NORMALRANDOM: base.NormalRandomParam, }[newparam.stype] if p is None: p = pclass(_("Signal") + " - " + prefix) if edit and not p.edit(parent=parent): return None rng = np.random.default_rng(p.seed) if newparam.stype == SignalTypes.UNIFORMRANDOM: yarr = rng.random((newparam.size,)) * (p.vmax - p.vmin) + p.vmin if signal.title == DEFAULT_TITLE: signal.title = f"{prefix}(vmin={p.vmin:.3g},vmax={p.vmax:.3g})" elif newparam.stype == SignalTypes.NORMALRANDOM: yarr = rng.normal(, p.sigma, size=(newparam.size,)) if signal.title == DEFAULT_TITLE: signal.title = f"{prefix}(mu={},sigma={p.sigma:.3g})" else: raise NotImplementedError(f"New param type: {prefix}") signal.set_xydata(xarr, yarr) elif newparam.stype in ( SignalTypes.GAUSS, SignalTypes.LORENTZ, SignalTypes.VOIGT, ): func, title = { SignalTypes.GAUSS: (GaussianModel.func, _("Gaussian")), SignalTypes.LORENTZ: (LorentzianModel.func, _("Lorentzian")), SignalTypes.VOIGT: (VoigtModel.func, "Voigt"), }[newparam.stype] if p is None: p = GaussLorentzVoigtParam(title) if edit and not p.edit(parent=parent): return None yarr = func(xarr, p.a, p.sigma,, p.ymin) signal.set_xydata(xarr, yarr) if signal.title == DEFAULT_TITLE: signal.title = ( f"{prefix}(a={p.a:.3g},sigma={p.sigma:.3g}," f"mu={},ymin={p.ymin:.3g})" ) elif newparam.stype in ( SignalTypes.SINUS, SignalTypes.COSINUS, SignalTypes.SAWTOOTH, SignalTypes.TRIANGLE, SignalTypes.SQUARE, SignalTypes.SINC, ): func, title = { SignalTypes.SINUS: (np.sin, _("Sinusoid")), SignalTypes.COSINUS: (np.cos, _("Sinusoid")), SignalTypes.SAWTOOTH: (sps.sawtooth, _("Sawtooth function")), SignalTypes.TRIANGLE: (triangle_func, _("Triangle function")), SignalTypes.SQUARE: (sps.square, _("Square function")), SignalTypes.SINC: (np.sinc, _("Cardinal sine")), }[newparam.stype] if p is None: p = PeriodicParam(title) if edit and not p.edit(parent=parent): return None freq = p.get_frequency_in_hz() yarr = p.a * func(2 * np.pi * freq * xarr + np.deg2rad(p.phase)) + p.ymin signal.set_xydata(xarr, yarr) if signal.title == DEFAULT_TITLE: signal.title = ( f"{prefix}(f={p.freq:.3g} {p.freq_unit.value})," f"a={p.a:.3g},ymin={p.ymin:.3g},phase={p.phase:.3g}°)" ) elif newparam.stype == SignalTypes.STEP: if p is None: p = StepParam( _("Step function"), comment="y(x) = a1 if x <= x0 else a2" ) if edit and not p.edit(parent=parent): return None yarr = np.ones_like(xarr) * p.a1 yarr[xarr > p.x0] = p.a2 signal.set_xydata(xarr, yarr) if signal.title == DEFAULT_TITLE: signal.title = f"{prefix}(x0={p.x0:.3g},a1={p.a1:.3g},a2={p.a2:.3g})" elif newparam.stype is SignalTypes.EXPONENTIAL: if p is None: p = ExponentialParam( _("Exponential function"), comment="y(x) = a.e<sup>exponent.x</sup> + offset", ) if edit and not p.edit(parent=parent): return None yarr = p.a * np.exp(p.exponent * xarr) + p.offset signal.set_xydata(xarr, yarr) if signal.title == DEFAULT_TITLE: signal.title = ( f"{prefix}(a={p.a:.3g},exponent={p.exponent:.3g}," f"offset={p.offset:.3g})" ) elif newparam.stype is SignalTypes.PULSE: if p is None: p = PulseParam( _("Pulse function"), comment="y(x) = offset + amp if start <= x <= stop else offset", ) if edit and not p.edit(parent=parent): return None yarr = np.full_like(xarr, p.offset) yarr[(xarr >= p.start) & (xarr <= p.stop)] += p.amp signal.set_xydata(xarr, yarr) if signal.title == DEFAULT_TITLE: signal.title = ( f"{prefix}(start={p.start:.3g},stop={p.stop:.3g}" f",offset={p.offset:.3g})" ) elif newparam.stype is SignalTypes.POLYNOMIAL: if p is None: p = PolyParam( _("Polynomial function"), comment=( "y(x) = a<sub>0</sub> + a<sub>1</sub>.x + " "a<sub>2</sub>.x<sup>2</sup> + a<sub>3</sub>.x<sup>3</sup>" " + a<sub>4</sub>.x<sup>4</sup> + a<sub>5</sub>.x<sup>5</sup>" ), ) if edit and not p.edit(parent=parent): return None yarr = np.polyval([p.a5, p.a4, p.a3, p.a2, p.a1, p.a0], xarr) signal.set_xydata(xarr, yarr) if signal.title == DEFAULT_TITLE: signal.title = ( f"{prefix}(a0={p.a0:2g},a1={p.a1:2g},a2={p.a2:2g}," f"a3={p.a3:2g},a4={p.a4:2g},a5={p.a5:2g})" ) elif newparam.stype is SignalTypes.EXPERIMENTAL: p2 = ExperSignalParam(_("Experimental points")) p2.setup_array(size=newparam.size, xmin=newparam.xmin, xmax=newparam.xmax) if edit and not p2.edit(parent=parent): return None signal.xydata = p2.xyarray.T if signal.title == DEFAULT_TITLE: signal.title = f"{prefix}(npts={p2.size})" return signal return None