Source code for cdl.core.gui.docks

# Copyright (c) DataLab Platform Developers, BSD 3-Clause license, see LICENSE file.


The :mod:`cdl.core.gui.docks` module provides the dockable widgets for the
DataLab main window.

Plot widget

.. autoclass:: DataLabPlotWidget

Dockable plot widget

.. autoclass:: DockablePlotWidget

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import scipy.integrate as spt
from guidata.configtools import get_icon, get_image_file_path
from guidata.qthelpers import create_action, is_dark_theme
from guidata.widgets.dockable import DockableWidget
from plotpy.constants import PlotType
from plotpy.items import CurveItem
from plotpy.panels import XCrossSection, YCrossSection
from plotpy.plot import PlotOptions, PlotWidget
from import (
from import get_stats as get_image_stats
from qtpy import QtCore as QC
from qtpy import QtGui as QG
from qtpy import QtWidgets as QW
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow

from cdl.algorithms.image import get_centroid_fourier
from cdl.algorithms.signal import fwhm
from cdl.config import APP_NAME, Conf, _
from cdl.core.model.signal import create_signal

    from plotpy.items.image.base import BaseImageItem
    from plotpy.plot import BasePlot
    from plotpy.styles import BaseImageParam

def fwhm_info(x, y):
    """Return FWHM information string"""
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        x0, _y0, x1, _y1 = fwhm((x, y), "zero-crossing")
        wstr = " ⚠️" if w else ""
    return f"{x1 - x0:g}{wstr}"

    ("%g < x < %g", lambda *args: (args[0].min(), args[0].max())),
    ("%g < y < %g", lambda *args: (args[1].min(), args[1].max())),
    ("<y>=%g", lambda *args: args[1].mean()),
    ("σ(y)=%g", lambda *args: args[1].std()),
    ("∑(y)=%g", lambda *args: spt.trapezoid(args[1])),
    ("∫ydx=%g<br>", lambda *args: spt.trapezoid(args[1], args[0])),
    ("FWHM = %s", fwhm_info),

def get_more_image_stats(
    item: BaseImageItem,
    x0: float,
    y0: float,
    x1: float,
    y1: float,
) -> str:
    """Return formatted string with stats on image rectangular area
    (output should be compatible with AnnotatedShape.get_infos)

        item: image item
        x0: X0
        y0: Y0
        x1: X1
        y1: Y1
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UserWarning)
        infos = get_image_stats(item, x0, y0, x1, y1)

    ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1 = item.get_closest_index_rect(x0, y0, x1, y1)
    data =[iy0:iy1, ix0:ix1]
    p: BaseImageParam = item.param
    xunit, yunit, zunit = p.get_units()

    integral = data.sum()
    integral_fmt = r"%.3e " + zunit
    infos += f"<br>∑ = {integral_fmt % integral}"

    if xunit == yunit:
        surfacefmt = p.xformat.split()[0] + " " + xunit
        if xunit != "":
            surfacefmt = surfacefmt + "²"
        surface = abs((x1 - x0) * (y1 - y0))
        infos += f"<br>A = {surfacefmt % surface}"
        if xunit is not None and zunit is not None:
            if surface != 0:
                density = integral / surface
                densityfmt = r"%.3e"
                if xunit and zunit:
                    densityfmt += " " + zunit + "/" + xunit + "²"
                infos = infos + f"<br>ρ = {densityfmt % density}"

    c_i, c_j = get_centroid_fourier(data)
    c_x, c_y = item.get_plot_coordinates(c_j + ix0, c_i + iy0)
    infos += "<br>" + "<br>".join(
            "C|x = " + p.xformat % c_x,
            "C|y = " + p.yformat % c_y,

    return infos

def profile_to_signal(plot: BasePlot, panel: XCrossSection | YCrossSection) -> None:
    """Send cross section curve to DataLab's signal list

        panel: Cross section panel
    win = None
    for win in QApplication.topLevelWidgets():
        if isinstance(win, QMainWindow):
    if win is None or win.objectName() != APP_NAME:
        # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
        # pylint: disable=cyclic-import
        from cdl.core.gui import main

        # Note : this is the only way to retrieve the DataLab main window instance
        # when the CrossSectionItem object is embedded into an image widget
        # parented to another main window.
        win = main.CDLMainWindow.get_instance()
        assert win is not None  # Should never happen

    for item in panel.cs_plot.get_items():
        if not isinstance(item, CurveItem):
        x, y, _dx, _dy = item.get_data()
        if x is None or y is None or x.size == 0 or y.size == 0:

        signal = create_signal(item.param.label)

        if isinstance(panel, YCrossSection):
            signal.set_xydata(y, x)
            xaxis_name = "left"
            xunit = plot.get_axis_unit("bottom")
            if xunit:
                signal.title += " " + xunit
            signal.set_xydata(x, y)
            xaxis_name = "bottom"
            yunit = plot.get_axis_unit("left")
            if yunit:
                signal.title += " " + yunit

        signal.ylabel = plot.get_axis_title("right")
        signal.yunit = plot.get_axis_unit("right")
        signal.xlabel = plot.get_axis_title(xaxis_name)
        signal.xunit = plot.get_axis_unit(xaxis_name)


    # Show DataLab main window on top, if not already visible

[docs] class DataLabPlotWidget(PlotWidget): """DataLab PlotWidget This class is a subclass of `plotpy.plot.PlotWidget` that provides a customized widget for DataLab, with a specific set of tools and a customized appearance. Args: plot_type: Plot type """ def __init__(self, plot_type: PlotType) -> None: super().__init__(options=PlotOptions(type=plot_type), toolbar=True) def __register_standard_tools(self) -> None: """Register standard tools The only differences with the `manager.register_standard_tools` method are the following: 1. We don't register the `BasePlotMenuTool, "axes"` tool, because it is not compatible with DataLab's approach to axes management. 2. We don't register the `ItemListPanelTool` tool (this intends to prevent the user from accessing the item list panel, and thus, the parameters of all the items - some of them are read-only and should not be modified, like the annotations for example). """ mgr = self.manager select_tool = mgr.add_tool(SelectTool) mgr.set_default_tool(select_tool) mgr.add_tool(RectangularSelectionTool, intersect=False) mgr.add_tool(RectZoomTool) mgr.add_tool(DoAutoscaleTool) mgr.add_tool(BasePlotMenuTool, "item") mgr.add_tool(ExportItemDataTool) mgr.add_tool(EditItemDataTool) mgr.add_tool(ItemCenterTool) mgr.add_tool(DeleteItemTool) mgr.add_separator_tool() mgr.add_tool(BasePlotMenuTool, "grid") mgr.add_tool(DisplayCoordsTool) def __register_other_tools(self) -> None: """Register other tools""" mgr = self.manager mgr.add_separator_tool() if self.options.type == PlotType.CURVE: mgr.register_curve_tools() statstool = mgr.get_tool(CurveStatsTool) statstool.set_labelfuncs(CURVESTATSTOOL_LABELFUNCS) else: mgr.register_image_tools() # Customizing the ImageStatsTool statstool = mgr.get_tool(ImageStatsTool) statstool.set_stats_func(get_more_image_stats, replace=True) # Customizing the X and Y cross section panels plot = mgr.get_plot() for panel in (mgr.get_xcs_panel(), mgr.get_ycs_panel()): to_signal_action = create_action( panel, _("Process signal"), icon=get_icon("to_signal.svg"), triggered=lambda panel=panel: profile_to_signal(plot, panel), ) tb = panel.toolbar tb.insertSeparator(tb.actions()[0]) tb.insertAction(tb.actions()[0], to_signal_action) mgr.add_separator_tool() mgr.register_other_tools() mgr.add_separator_tool() mgr.update_tools_status() mgr.get_default_tool().activate()
[docs] def register_tools(self) -> None: """Register the plotting tools according to the plot type""" self.__register_standard_tools() self.__register_other_tools()
[docs] class DockablePlotWidget(DockableWidget): """Docked plotting widget Args: parent: Parent widget plot_type: Plot type """ LOCATION = QC.Qt.RightDockWidgetArea def __init__( self, parent: QW.QWidget, plot_type: PlotType, ) -> None: super().__init__(parent) self.plotwidget = DataLabPlotWidget(plot_type) self.toolbar = self.plotwidget.get_toolbar() self.watermark = QW.QLabel() original_image = QG.QPixmap(get_image_file_path("DataLab-watermark.png")) self.watermark.setPixmap(original_image) self.setup_layout() self.setup_plotwidget() def __get_toolbar_row_col(self) -> tuple[int, int]: """Return toolbar row and column""" tb_pos = Conf.view.plot_toolbar_position.get() tb_col, tb_row = 1, 1 if tb_pos in ("left", "right"): self.toolbar.setOrientation(QC.Qt.Vertical) tb_col = 0 if tb_pos == "left" else 2 else: self.toolbar.setOrientation(QC.Qt.Horizontal) tb_row = 0 if tb_pos == "top" else 2 return tb_row, tb_col
[docs] def setup_layout(self) -> None: """Setup layout""" tb_row, tb_col = self.__get_toolbar_row_col() layout = QW.QGridLayout() layout.addWidget(self.toolbar, tb_row, tb_col) layout.addWidget(self.plotwidget, 1, 1) layout.addWidget(self.watermark, 1, 1, QC.Qt.AlignCenter) self.setLayout(layout)
[docs] def update_toolbar_position(self) -> None: """Update toolbar position""" tb_row, tb_col = self.__get_toolbar_row_col() layout = self.layout() layout.removeWidget(self.toolbar) layout.addWidget(self.toolbar, tb_row, tb_col)
[docs] def setup_plotwidget(self) -> None: """Setup plotting widget""" title = self.toolbar.windowTitle() self.plotwidget.get_manager().add_toolbar(self.toolbar, title) # Customizing widget appearances self.update_color_mode() plot = self.plotwidget.get_plot() canvas = plot.canvas() canvas.setFrameStyle(canvas.Plain | canvas.NoFrame) plot.SIG_ITEMS_CHANGED.connect(self.update_watermark)
[docs] def update_color_mode(self) -> None: """Update plot widget styles according to application color mode""" if is_dark_theme(): palette = QApplication.instance().palette() else: palette = QG.QPalette(QC.Qt.white) for widget in (self.plotwidget, self.plotwidget.get_plot(), self): widget.setBackgroundRole(QG.QPalette.Window) widget.setAutoFillBackground(True) widget.setPalette(palette)
[docs] def get_plot(self) -> BasePlot: """Return plot instance""" return self.plotwidget.get_plot()
[docs] def update_watermark(self, plot: BasePlot) -> None: """Update watermark visibility""" items = plot.get_items() if self.plotwidget.options.type == PlotType.IMAGE: enabled = len(items) <= 1 else: enabled = len(items) <= 2 self.watermark.setVisible(enabled)
# ------DockableWidget API
[docs] def visibility_changed(self, enable: bool) -> None: """DockWidget visibility has changed""" DockableWidget.visibility_changed(self, enable) self.toolbar.setVisible(enable)