Source code for cdl.algorithms.image

# Copyright (c) DataLab Platform Developers, BSD 3-Clause license, see LICENSE file.

.. Image Processing Algorithms (see parent package :mod:`cdl.algorithms`)

# pylint: disable=invalid-name  # Allows short reference names like x, y, ...

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Literal

import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as spi
import scipy.spatial as spt
from numpy import ma
from skimage import exposure, feature, measure, transform

# MARK: Level adjustment ---------------------------------------------------------------

[docs] def scale_data_to_min_max( data: np.ndarray, zmin: float | int, zmax: float | int ) -> np.ndarray: """Scale array `data` to fit [zmin, zmax] dynamic range Args: data: Input data zmin: Minimum value of output data zmax: Maximum value of output data Returns: Scaled data """ dmin = data.min() dmax = data.max() fdata = np.array(data, dtype=float) fdata -= dmin fdata *= float(zmax - zmin) / (dmax - dmin) fdata += float(zmin) return np.array(fdata, data.dtype)
[docs] def normalize( data: np.ndarray, parameter: Literal["maximum", "amplitude", "area", "energy", "rms"] = "maximum", ) -> np.ndarray: """Normalize input array to a given parameter. Args: data: Input data parameter: Normalization parameter (default: "maximum") Returns: Normalized array """ if parameter == "maximum": return scale_data_to_min_max(data, data.min() / data.max(), 1.0) if parameter == "amplitude": return scale_data_to_min_max(data, 0.0, 1.0) fdata = np.array(data, dtype=float) if parameter == "area": return fdata / fdata.sum() if parameter == "energy": return fdata / np.sqrt(np.sum(fdata * fdata.conjugate())) if parameter == "rms": return fdata / np.sqrt(np.mean(fdata * fdata.conjugate())) raise ValueError(f"Unsupported parameter {parameter}")
# MARK: Fourier analysis ---------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def fft2d(z: np.ndarray, shift: bool = True) -> np.ndarray: """Compute FFT of complex array `z` Args: z: Input data shift: Shift zero frequency to center (default: True) Returns: FFT of input data """ z1 = np.fft.fft2(z) if shift: z1 = np.fft.fftshift(z1) return z1
[docs] def ifft2d(z: np.ndarray, shift: bool = True) -> np.ndarray: """Compute inverse FFT of complex array `z` Args: z: Input data shift: Shift zero frequency to center (default: True) Returns: Inverse FFT of input data """ if shift: z = np.fft.ifftshift(z) z1 = np.fft.ifft2(z) return z1
[docs] def magnitude_spectrum(z: np.ndarray, log_scale: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """Compute magnitude spectrum of complex array `z` Args: z: Input data log_scale: Use log scale (default: False) Returns: Magnitude spectrum of input data """ z1 = np.abs(fft2d(z)) if log_scale: z1 = 20 * np.log10(z1.clip(1e-10)) return z1
[docs] def phase_spectrum(z: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Compute phase spectrum of complex array `z` Args: z: Input data Returns: Phase spectrum of input data (in degrees) """ return np.rad2deg(np.angle(fft2d(z)))
[docs] def psd(z: np.ndarray, log_scale: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """Compute power spectral density of complex array `z` Args: z: Input data log_scale: Use log scale (default: False) Returns: Power spectral density of input data """ z1 = np.abs(fft2d(z)) ** 2 if log_scale: z1 = 10 * np.log10(z1.clip(1e-10)) return z1
# MARK: Binning ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BINNING_OPERATIONS = ("sum", "average", "median", "min", "max")
[docs] def binning( data: np.ndarray, sx: int, sy: int, operation: Literal["sum", "average", "median", "min", "max"], dtype=None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Perform image pixel binning Args: data: Input data sx: Binning size along x (number of pixels to bin together) sy: Binning size along y (number of pixels to bin together) operation: Binning operation dtype: Output data type (default: None, i.e. same as input) Returns: Binned data """ ny, nx = data.shape shape = (ny // sy, sy, nx // sx, sx) try: bdata = data[: ny - ny % sy, : nx - nx % sx].reshape(shape) except ValueError as err: raise ValueError("Binning is not a multiple of image dimensions") from err if operation == "sum": bdata = np.array(bdata, dtype=float).sum(axis=(-1, 1)) elif operation == "average": bdata = bdata.mean(axis=(-1, 1)) elif operation == "median": bdata = ma.median(bdata, axis=(-1, 1)) elif operation == "min": bdata = bdata.min(axis=(-1, 1)) elif operation == "max": bdata = bdata.max(axis=(-1, 1)) else: valid = ", ".join(BINNING_OPERATIONS) raise ValueError(f"Invalid operation {operation} (valid values: {valid})") return np.array(bdata, dtype=data.dtype if dtype is None else np.dtype(dtype))
# MARK: Background subtraction ---------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def flatfield( rawdata: np.ndarray, flatdata: np.ndarray, threshold: float | None = None ) -> np.ndarray: """Compute flat-field correction Args: rawdata: Raw data flatdata: Flat-field data threshold: Threshold for flat-field correction (default: None) Returns: Flat-field corrected data """ dtemp = np.array(rawdata, dtype=float, copy=True) * flatdata.mean() dunif = np.array(flatdata, dtype=float, copy=True) dunif[dunif == 0] = 1.0 dcorr_all = np.array(dtemp / dunif, dtype=rawdata.dtype) dcorr = np.array(rawdata, copy=True) dcorr[rawdata > threshold] = dcorr_all[rawdata > threshold] return dcorr
# MARK: Misc. analyses -----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_centroid_fourier(data: np.ndarray) -> tuple[float, float]: """Return image centroid using Fourier algorithm Args: data: Input data Returns: Centroid coordinates (row, col) """ # Fourier transform method as discussed by Weisshaar et al. # ( rows, cols = data.shape if rows == 1 or cols == 1: return 0, 0 i = np.arange(0, rows).reshape(1, rows) sin_a = np.sin((i - 1) * 2 * np.pi / (rows - 1)).T cos_a = np.cos((i - 1) * 2 * np.pi / (rows - 1)).T j = np.arange(0, cols).reshape(cols, 1) sin_b = np.sin((j - 1) * 2 * np.pi / (cols - 1)).T cos_b = np.cos((j - 1) * 2 * np.pi / (cols - 1)).T a = (cos_a * data).sum() b = (sin_a * data).sum() c = (data * cos_b).sum() d = (data * sin_b).sum() rphi = (0 if b > 0 else 2 * np.pi) if a > 0 else np.pi cphi = (0 if d > 0 else 2 * np.pi) if c > 0 else np.pi if a * c == 0.0: return 0, 0 row = (np.arctan(b / a) + rphi) * (rows - 1) / (2 * np.pi) + 1 col = (np.arctan(d / c) + cphi) * (cols - 1) / (2 * np.pi) + 1 try: row = int(row) except ma.MaskError: row = np.nan try: col = int(col) except ma.MaskError: col = np.nan return row, col
[docs] def get_absolute_level(data: np.ndarray, level: float) -> float: """Return absolute level Args: data: Input data level: Relative level (0.0 to 1.0) Returns: Absolute level """ if not isinstance(level, float) or level < 0.0 or level > 1.0: raise ValueError("Level must be a float between 0. and 1.") return (float(np.nanmin(data)) + float(np.nanmax(data))) * level
[docs] def get_enclosing_circle( data: np.ndarray, level: float = 0.5 ) -> tuple[int, int, float]: """Return (x, y, radius) for the circle contour enclosing image values above threshold relative level (.5 means FWHM) Args: data: Input data level: Relative level (default: 0.5) Returns: A tuple (x, y, radius) Raises: ValueError: No contour was found """ data_th = data.copy() data_th[data <= get_absolute_level(data, level)] = 0.0 contours = measure.find_contours(data_th) model = measure.CircleModel() result = None max_radius = 1.0 for contour in contours: if model.estimate(contour): yc, xc, radius = model.params if radius > max_radius: result = (int(xc), int(yc), radius) max_radius = radius if result is None: raise ValueError("No contour was found") return result
[docs] def get_radial_profile( data: np.ndarray, center: tuple[int, int] ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Return radial profile of image data Args: data: Input data (2D array) center: Coordinates of the center of the profile (x, y) Returns: Radial profile (X, Y) where X is the distance from the center (1D array) and Y is the average value of pixels at this distance (1D array) """ y, x = np.indices((data.shape)) # Get the indices of pixels x0, y0 = center r = np.sqrt((x - x0) ** 2 + (y - y0) ** 2) # Calculate distance to the center r = r.astype(int) # Average over the same distance tbin = np.bincount(r.ravel(), data.ravel()) # Sum of pixel values at each distance nr = np.bincount(r.ravel()) # Number of pixels at each distance yprofile = tbin / nr # this is the half radial profile # Let's mirror it to get the full radial profile (the first element is the center) yprofile = np.concatenate((yprofile[::-1], yprofile[1:])) # The x axis is the distance from the center (0 is the center) xprofile = np.arange(len(yprofile)) - len(yprofile) // 2 return xprofile, yprofile
[docs] def distance_matrix(coords: list) -> np.ndarray: """Return distance matrix from coords Args: coords: List of coordinates Returns: Distance matrix """ return np.triu(spt.distance.cdist(coords, coords, "euclidean"))
[docs] def get_2d_peaks_coords( data: np.ndarray, size: int | None = None, level: float = 0.5 ) -> np.ndarray: """Detect peaks in image data, return coordinates. If neighborhoods size is None, default value is the highest value between 50 pixels and the 1/40th of the smallest image dimension. Detection threshold level is relative to difference between data maximum and minimum values. Args: data: Input data size: Neighborhood size (default: None) level: Relative level (default: 0.5) Returns: Coordinates of peaks """ if size is None: size = max(min(data.shape) // 40, 50) data_max = spi.maximum_filter(data, size) data_min = spi.minimum_filter(data, size) data_diff = data_max - data_min diff = (data_max - data_min) > get_absolute_level(data_diff, level) maxima = data == data_max maxima[diff == 0] = 0 labeled, _num_objects = spi.label(maxima) slices = spi.find_objects(labeled) coords = [] for dy, dx in slices: x_center = int(0.5 * (dx.start + dx.stop - 1)) y_center = int(0.5 * (dy.start + dy.stop - 1)) coords.append((x_center, y_center)) if len(coords) > 1: # Eventually removing duplicates dist = distance_matrix(coords) for index in reversed(np.unique(np.where((dist < size) & (dist > 0))[1])): coords.pop(index) return np.array(coords)
[docs] def get_contour_shapes( data: np.ndarray | ma.MaskedArray, shape: Literal["circle", "ellipse", "polygon"] = "ellipse", level: float = 0.5, ) -> np.ndarray: """Find iso-valued contours in a 2D array, above relative level (.5 means FWHM), then fit contours with shape ('ellipse' or 'circle') Args: data: Input data shape: Shape to fit. Default is 'ellipse' level: Relative level (default: 0.5) Returns: Coordinates of shapes """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals assert shape in ("circle", "ellipse", "polygon") contours = measure.find_contours(data, level=get_absolute_level(data, level)) coords = [] for contour in contours: # `contour` is a (N, 2) array (rows, cols): we need to check if all those # coordinates are masked: if so, we skip this contour if isinstance(data, ma.MaskedArray) and np.all( data.mask[contour[:, 0].astype(int), contour[:, 1].astype(int)] ): continue if shape == "circle": model = measure.CircleModel() if model.estimate(contour): yc, xc, r = model.params if r <= 1.0: continue coords.append([xc, yc, r]) elif shape == "ellipse": model = measure.EllipseModel() if model.estimate(contour): yc, xc, b, a, theta = model.params if a <= 1.0 or b <= 1.0: continue coords.append([xc, yc, a, b, theta]) elif shape == "polygon": # `contour` is a (N, 2) array (rows, cols): we need to convert it # to a list of x, y coordinates flattened in a single list coords.append(contour[:, ::-1].flatten()) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Invalid contour model {model}") if shape == "polygon": # `coords` is a list of arrays of shape (N, 2) where N is the number of points # that can vary from one array to another, so we need to padd with NaNs each # array to get a regular array: max_len = max(coord.shape[0] for coord in coords) arr = np.full((len(coords), max_len), np.nan) for i_row, coord in enumerate(coords): arr[i_row, : coord.shape[0]] = coord return arr return np.array(coords)
[docs] def get_hough_circle_peaks( data: np.ndarray, min_radius: float | None = None, max_radius: float | None = None, nb_radius: int | None = None, min_distance: int = 1, ) -> np.ndarray: """Detect peaks in image from circle Hough transform, return circle coordinates. Args: data: Input data min_radius: Minimum radius (default: None) max_radius: Maximum radius (default: None) nb_radius: Number of radii (default: None) min_distance: Minimum distance between circles (default: 1) Returns: Coordinates of circles """ assert min_radius is not None and max_radius is not None and max_radius > min_radius if nb_radius is None: nb_radius = max_radius - min_radius + 1 hough_radii = np.arange( min_radius, max_radius + 1, (max_radius - min_radius + 1) // nb_radius ) hough_res = transform.hough_circle(data, hough_radii) _accums, cx, cy, radii = transform.hough_circle_peaks( hough_res, hough_radii, min_xdistance=min_distance, min_ydistance=min_distance ) return np.vstack([cx, cy, radii]).T
# MARK: Blob detection ----------------------------------------------------------------- def __blobs_to_coords(blobs: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Convert blobs to coordinates Args: blobs: Blobs Returns: Coordinates """ cy, cx, radii = blobs.T coords = np.vstack([cx, cy, radii]).T return coords
[docs] def find_blobs_dog( data: np.ndarray, min_sigma: float = 1, max_sigma: float = 30, overlap: float = 0.5, threshold_rel: float = 0.2, exclude_border: bool = True, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Finds blobs in the given grayscale image using the Difference of Gaussians (DoG) method. Args: data: The grayscale input image. min_sigma: The minimum blob radius in pixels. max_sigma: The maximum blob radius in pixels. overlap: The minimum overlap between two blobs in pixels. For instance, if two blobs are detected with radii of 10 and 12 respectively, and the ``overlap`` is set to 0.5, then the area of the smaller blob will be ignored and only the area of the larger blob will be returned. threshold_rel: The absolute lower bound for scale space maxima. Local maxima smaller than ``threshold_rel`` are ignored. Reduce this to detect blobs with less intensities. exclude_border: If ``True``, exclude blobs from detection if they are too close to the border of the image. Border size is ``min_sigma``. Returns: Coordinates of blobs """ # Use scikit-image's Difference of Gaussians (DoG) method blobs = feature.blob_dog( data, min_sigma=min_sigma, max_sigma=max_sigma, overlap=overlap, threshold_rel=threshold_rel, exclude_border=exclude_border, ) return __blobs_to_coords(blobs)
[docs] def find_blobs_doh( data: np.ndarray, min_sigma: float = 1, max_sigma: float = 30, overlap: float = 0.5, log_scale: bool = False, threshold_rel: float = 0.2, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Finds blobs in the given grayscale image using the Determinant of Hessian (DoH) method. Args: data: The grayscale input image. min_sigma: The minimum blob radius in pixels. max_sigma: The maximum blob radius in pixels. overlap: The minimum overlap between two blobs in pixels. For instance, if two blobs are detected with radii of 10 and 12 respectively, and the ``overlap`` is set to 0.5, then the area of the smaller blob will be ignored and only the area of the larger blob will be returned. log_scale: If ``True``, the radius of each blob is returned as ``sqrt(sigma)`` for each detected blob. threshold_rel: The absolute lower bound for scale space maxima. Local maxima smaller than ``threshold_rel`` are ignored. Reduce this to detect blobs with less intensities. Returns: Coordinates of blobs """ # Use scikit-image's Determinant of Hessian (DoH) method to detect blobs blobs = feature.blob_doh( data, min_sigma=min_sigma, max_sigma=max_sigma, num_sigma=int(max_sigma - min_sigma + 1), threshold=None, threshold_rel=threshold_rel, overlap=overlap, log_scale=log_scale, ) return __blobs_to_coords(blobs)
[docs] def find_blobs_log( data: np.ndarray, min_sigma: float = 1, max_sigma: float = 30, overlap: float = 0.5, log_scale: bool = False, threshold_rel: float = 0.2, exclude_border: bool = True, ) -> np.ndarray: """Finds blobs in the given grayscale image using the Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) method. Args: data: The grayscale input image. min_sigma: The minimum blob radius in pixels. max_sigma: The maximum blob radius in pixels. overlap: The minimum overlap between two blobs in pixels. For instance, if two blobs are detected with radii of 10 and 12 respectively, and the ``overlap`` is set to 0.5, then the area of the smaller blob will be ignored and only the area of the larger blob will be returned. log_scale: If ``True``, the radius of each blob is returned as ``sqrt(sigma)`` for each detected blob. threshold_rel: The absolute lower bound for scale space maxima. Local maxima smaller than ``threshold_rel`` are ignored. Reduce this to detect blobs with less intensities. exclude_border: If ``True``, exclude blobs from detection if they are too close to the border of the image. Border size is ``min_sigma``. Returns: Coordinates of blobs """ # Use scikit-image's Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) method to detect blobs blobs = feature.blob_log( data, min_sigma=min_sigma, max_sigma=max_sigma, num_sigma=int(max_sigma - min_sigma + 1), threshold=None, threshold_rel=threshold_rel, overlap=overlap, log_scale=log_scale, exclude_border=exclude_border, ) return __blobs_to_coords(blobs)
[docs] def remove_overlapping_disks(coords: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Remove overlapping disks among coordinates Args: coords: The coordinates of the disks Returns: The coordinates of the disks with overlapping disks removed """ # Get the radii of each disk from the coordinates radii = coords[:, 2] # Calculate the distance between the center of each pair of disks dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((coords[:, None, :2] - coords[:, :2]) ** 2, axis=-1)) # Create a boolean mask where the distance between the centers # is less than the sum of the radii mask = dist < (radii[:, None] + radii) # Find the indices of overlapping disks overlapping_indices = np.argwhere(mask) # Remove the smaller disk from each overlapping pair for i, j in overlapping_indices: if i != j: if radii[i] < radii[j]: coords[i] = [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan] else: coords[j] = [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan] # Remove rows with NaN values coords = coords[~np.isnan(coords).any(axis=1)] return coords
[docs] def find_blobs_opencv( data: np.ndarray, min_threshold: float | None = None, max_threshold: float | None = None, min_repeatability: int | None = None, min_dist_between_blobs: float | None = None, filter_by_color: bool | None = None, blob_color: int | None = None, filter_by_area: bool | None = None, min_area: float | None = None, max_area: float | None = None, filter_by_circularity: bool | None = None, min_circularity: float | None = None, max_circularity: float | None = None, filter_by_inertia: bool | None = None, min_inertia_ratio: float | None = None, max_inertia_ratio: float | None = None, filter_by_convexity: bool | None = None, min_convexity: float | None = None, max_convexity: float | None = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Finds blobs in the given grayscale image using OpenCV's SimpleBlobDetector. Args: data: The grayscale input image. min_threshold: The minimum blob intensity. max_threshold: The maximum blob intensity. min_repeatability: The minimum number of times a blob is detected before it is reported. min_dist_between_blobs: The minimum distance between blobs. filter_by_color: If ``True``, blobs are filtered by color. blob_color: The color of the blobs to filter by. filter_by_area: If ``True``, blobs are filtered by area. min_area: The minimum blob area. max_area: The maximum blob area. filter_by_circularity: If ``True``, blobs are filtered by circularity. min_circularity: The minimum blob circularity. max_circularity: The maximum blob circularity. filter_by_inertia: If ``True``, blobs are filtered by inertia. min_inertia_ratio: The minimum blob inertia ratio. max_inertia_ratio: The maximum blob inertia ratio. filter_by_convexity: If ``True``, blobs are filtered by convexity. min_convexity: The minimum blob convexity. max_convexity: The maximum blob convexity. Returns: Coordinates of blobs """ # Note: # Importing OpenCV inside the function in order to eventually raise an ImportError # when the function is called and OpenCV is not installed. This error will be # handled by DataLab and the user will be informed that OpenCV is required to use # this function. import cv2 # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel params = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector_Params() if min_threshold is not None: params.minThreshold = min_threshold if max_threshold is not None: params.maxThreshold = max_threshold if min_repeatability is not None: params.minRepeatability = min_repeatability if min_dist_between_blobs is not None: params.minDistBetweenBlobs = min_dist_between_blobs if filter_by_color is not None: params.filterByColor = filter_by_color if blob_color is not None: params.blobColor = blob_color if filter_by_area is not None: params.filterByArea = filter_by_area if min_area is not None: params.minArea = min_area if max_area is not None: params.maxArea = max_area if filter_by_circularity is not None: params.filterByCircularity = filter_by_circularity if min_circularity is not None: params.minCircularity = min_circularity if max_circularity is not None: params.maxCircularity = max_circularity if filter_by_inertia is not None: params.filterByInertia = filter_by_inertia if min_inertia_ratio is not None: params.minInertiaRatio = min_inertia_ratio if max_inertia_ratio is not None: params.maxInertiaRatio = max_inertia_ratio if filter_by_convexity is not None: params.filterByConvexity = filter_by_convexity if min_convexity is not None: params.minConvexity = min_convexity if max_convexity is not None: params.maxConvexity = max_convexity detector = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector_create(params) image = exposure.rescale_intensity(data, out_range=np.uint8) keypoints = detector.detect(image) if keypoints: coords = cv2.KeyPoint_convert(keypoints) radii = 0.5 * np.array([kp.size for kp in keypoints]) blobs = np.vstack([coords[:, 1], coords[:, 0], radii]).T blobs = remove_overlapping_disks(blobs) else: blobs = np.array([]).reshape((0, 3)) return __blobs_to_coords(blobs)